25 Jul 2017, 09:13
Dear Trader,
Thanks for posting this question in the forum. Currently, there is no way to limit data for history loading. There are no immediate plans to change this but we can consider doing this if there is demand from other traders as well.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
25 Jul 2017, 09:10
Dear Traders,
Thanks for posting this suggestion on the forum. Currently cAlgo APIs support only lines and text. You can update object parameters by using Draw method with same object name. We have plans to add more chart objects in the future.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
24 Jul 2017, 17:53
Thanks your post. What you describe is a known behavior of cAlgo. Currently it does not check margin requirements and does not take stop outs into account. We plan to change this in the future and take margin requirements as well as stop outs into consideration.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
24 Jul 2017, 12:51
Dear hungtonydang,
There is no cAlgo specific syntax. The language used in C# and you can find a C# programming guide here. Documentation for cAlgo.API and its classes and interfaces can be found here. Let us know if you need any additional information.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
24 Jul 2017, 09:56
Dear wlife7380,
Thanks for posting your problem in the forum. Can you please send us the setup log file? It will help us determine what is the issue. You can send it at alongside with a description of your problem.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
24 Jul 2017, 09:48
Dear thearrymail-ct,
A stop limit order can also be described as a stop order with a limit. This means that when the trigger price for a sell stop limit order is set at 1.06270, all prices below are considered worse than the requested price, since a sell stop order assumes that you expect prices to continue moving downwards. Therefore if you set a market range at 0 and the requested price is not available, then the order will be rejected and will be resent when the order triggers again i.e. the next time the price crosses 1.06270 downwards. The sell stop limit order is not triggered when the price crosses the requested price level upwards and that is why your order was not filled between 06:31-07:00.
Note: During the weekend we have applied a change that cancels a stop limit order if the order is rejected the first time. So the bold part of the above explanation does not apply anymore and cases like this one should not occur.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
21 Jul 2017, 16:55
Dear MagicTurtle,
Thanks for posting your issue. TRADING_BAD_STOPS error message occurs when your stop loss is set at a price not valid for a stop loss at the moment of execution. Also from your screenshot it seems that you are getting the error when amending the position and not when closing it. Is it possible to share with us the part of the code where these actions happen? This way we will be able give a more specific advice.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
21 Jul 2017, 16:44
( Updated at: 25 Jan 2018, 11:32 )
Dear entheoscorp,
cTrader has been designed and built from ground up to facilitate ECN/STP market execution and exclude price injections, price requotes and any kind of price manipulation from the broker’s side. Also cTrader does not allow plugins that could manipulate execution and there is no way to amend the trade database post-trade. Brokers can manage their risks based on their needs but your orders will always be executed on genuine quotes. Whenever you trade using cTrader, you should rest assured that you get market execution for your orders based on real market prices.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
21 Jul 2017, 15:24
Hi andi21,
Thanks for reporting this problem. Can you please send us troubleshooting information so that we can investigate further? Whenever this happens again, please press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T, type your problem and press Submit. Our technical team will receive all the required information to investigate the problem further.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
21 Jul 2017, 14:35
Dear thearrymail-ctm,
Thanks for your post. From the information provided it seems that the Stop Limit order was not triggered because a market range of 0 was requested. The other orders seem to have been executed at worse prices han 1.06270. Therefore the STSL00P order was kept until the price became available for execution. This is natural to happen because, even if the prices are streamed to you by the liquidity provider, until the order reaches the liquidity provider the price might not be available any more so the order is not executed and kept on the server for later.
You can find more information about how Stop Limit orders work here
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
21 Jul 2017, 09:36
Dear vschipplock,
Thanks for posting your question in the forum. As you correctly noticed, we draw tick charts using Bid. It is not possible to draw tick charts based on both prices because a tick chart is not only about the number of ticks but also about open, close, high and low prices. If we used both feeds to draw a tick chart then confusion would occur about what do these prices represent. Would they be Bid or Ask? And if we chose one of the two as a convention what would happen if no price was received for that price feed but the tick count has been reached e.g 0 Bid prices, 7 Ask? For these reasons, a Tx candlestick is drawn by combining the data of x T1 candlesticks based on the Bid price.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
21 Jul 2017, 09:10
Dear BeardPower,
Thanks for providing the answer to the question. We just wanted to add that Stop Limit orders are now supported in cTrader. Please see the relevant announcement here. Stop Limit orders will be incorporated in cAlgo.API in a future release. In the meanwhile if you want to limit your slippage, you can specify market range in your market orders. Market range for market orders is available in cAlgo.API.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team
25 Jul 2017, 09:25
Dear lec0456,
Thanks for your suggestion. This is a very good feature and we have added it in our future plans.
Best Regards,
cTrader Team