16 Nov 2023, 07:42
15 Nov 2023, 10:36

31 Aug 2015, 23:31

Dear Trader,

Thank you for reporting it we will investigate.


31 Aug 2015, 03:23

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the following post: /forum/cbot-support/6387


28 Aug 2015, 09:44

Dear Trader,

The Indicator class doesn't offer such method. You can see all methods available in the Indicator section of our API reference.


28 Aug 2015, 09:12

Dear Trader,

Prices are not streaming at this period for maintenance.


28 Aug 2015, 08:58

Dear Traders,

Please have a look at the following article:

If your accounts are linked to your cTID you won’t be able to delete them. We will provide users the ability to unlink their accounts in the near future.



28 Aug 2015, 08:58

Dear Traders,

Please have a look at the following article:

If your accounts are linked to your cTID you won’t be able to delete them. We will provide users the ability to unlink their accounts in the near future.



27 Aug 2015, 14:02

Dear Trader,

We kindly ask you to perform the following steps:

  1. Go ‘My Documents’ delete any cTrader and cAlgo folders

  2. Enter the below in the SEARCH bar of your PC’s start menu: “%LOCALAPPDATA%”

  3. Open folder “LOCAL”, then “APPS” and delete the “2.0” folder

  4. Uninstall .NET framework from his computer (restart may be required)

  5. Install the latest .NET from microsoft: and restart his computer

  6. Try to install cTrader again.


27 Aug 2015, 13:38

Dear Trader, 

We recommend you to remove the ClickOnce file directory and try to install the application again.

How to clear the ClickOnce file directory:

  1. Open C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Apps
  2. Delete the folder 2.0
  3. Reinstall the application


27 Aug 2015, 12:52

Dear Trader,

Could you please explain us in more detail what would you like to do?

The x-axis of an indicator is based on time and the y-axis is based on values that may vary based on the indicator.


27 Aug 2015, 07:33

Dear Trader,

Currently we do not provide users the ability to unlink/remove their trading accounts from their cTID. We will consider providing it in the future. Additionally you can post your ideas/suggestions to

Stay tuned.


27 Aug 2015, 07:13

Dear Trader,

Once a position is closed it becomes a historical trade. You can't access a position that does not exist anymore. 


26 Aug 2015, 13:47

Dear Trader,

We do not provide coding assistance services. We more than glad to assist you with specific questions about cAlgo.API. You also can contact one of our Partners or post a job in Development Jobs section for further coding assistance.


26 Aug 2015, 13:18

Dear Trader,

Please take a look at the following article regarding NullReferenceExceptions:

This happens if you still try to access the position after it is closed. A simple solution to avoid such errors is to check if the position is not null prior trying to access it.


if (pos != null)



26 Aug 2015, 12:43

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the HistoricalTrade section of our API reference and at the following code snippet.

        Position pos;
        HistoricalTrade histrade;

        protected override void OnStart()

            ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, 10000, "label");
            pos = Positions.Find("label");

            histrade = History.FindLast("label");
            Print("Closing Price ", histrade.ClosingPrice);




26 Aug 2015, 07:43 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

Dear Traders,

We provide users the ability to change the values of the levels by right clicking on the dashed line.


25 Aug 2015, 11:42

Dear Trader,

Could you please check and change the permissions of cTrader and cAlgo folders?

They are located at:





25 Aug 2015, 09:06


usynn said:

Hi, it is possible to set the source of a simple moving average on a chart to the source of an rsi indicator. This then shows the moving average in the RSI window. However, the problem i'm having is being able to do this in code.

The SimpleMovingAverage requires a DataSeries source and I can't seem to be able to get the dataseries of the RSI.

Dear Trader,

Could you please explain your issue in more detail? 

In the following code snippet the SMA and the RSI indicator will be initialized with the same DataSeries.

        RelativeStrengthIndex rsi;
        SimpleMovingAverage sma;

        protected override void Initialize()
            rsi = Indicators.RelativeStrengthIndex(DataSource, Period);
            sma = Indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(DataSource, Period);



25 Aug 2015, 07:16

Dear Trader,

Currently there is no way to execute multiple market orders at the same time. However we would recommend you to use:

ExecuteMarketOrderAsync(TradeType tradeType, Symbol symbol, long volume, [optional] Action callback)

The asynchronous method sends a market order and doesn’t wait for approval/rejection. 


25 Aug 2015, 06:25

Dear Trader,

Many users upload their indicators/cBots in our Website. You can search for an indicator or cBot that suits you. You can also contact one of our Partners to create an indicator or a cBot for you or post a job in Development Jobs section.


24 Aug 2015, 08:25

Dear Trader,

We cannot provide an ETA. Price alerts are one of our priorities.
