10 Nov 2015, 15:26
Dear Trader,
To modify an order you use the ModifyPendingOrder method.
We recommend you to have a look at the API Programmers Guides section of
09 Nov 2015, 18:45
Dear ctid205024,
You might have installed Windows on your Mac and you chose your Windows programs to work like Mac and not like a PC. In such case the "Documents" folder is located on Mac and shared as a network folder with the Windows. The Mac doesn't offer the file changed event. cAlgo is not getting any notifications, that the file has been changed, when you save your code using the Visual Studio (as the user 60004117 also said).
A possible solution is to change integration settings for your Windows programs to work like a PC. You can further read the instructions provided by Parallels on how to change integration settings on:
ctid205024 said:
Changes that you made on visual studio are not reflected AT ALL on the cAlgo.
Only changes that you made in cAlgo are reflected in Visual Studio.
09 Nov 2015, 18:13
Dear Trader,
Please have a look at the following code snippet. It loops through all pending orders and if a pending order has the label "NewLabel" it prints the word "Hello" to the log.
foreach (var order in PendingOrders) { if (order.Label == "NewLabel") { Print("Hello"); } }
In addition, we recommend you to have a look at the API Reference and Guides section of
09 Nov 2015, 17:59
Dear Trader,
You could loop through all positions with the same symbol and modify the TP or SL. The following code snippet loops though all positions and if the Symbol of the position is EURUSD it prints the word "Hello" in the log.
foreach (var position in Positions) { if (position.SymbolCode == "EURUSD") { Print("hello"); } }
09 Nov 2015, 17:40
Dear Trader,
It's designed like this. In case you would like the limit of pips to trigger Trailing Stop Loss to be increased, you could post it to If it collects enough votes, we will consider it.
09 Nov 2015, 17:17
Dear Trader,
You cannot transfer the Workspaces between cTraderWeb and cTrader desktop. They are different platforms.
It is in our plans to provide users the same features on both platforms in the near future. We cannot provide you with an ETA when the renko charts will be available.
Currently we do not plan to implement a cTrader version for Mac OS. If it collects enough votes on we will consider implementing it.
Additionally, you can vote for Renko charts in:
and for cTrader for Mac OS in:
09 Nov 2015, 16:55
Dear Traders,
This is not an issue of cTrader platform.
Due to contractual agreements we don't publish anything regarding any execution questions or issues.
You need to contact your Brokers regarding this.
mgalona74 said:
Spotware said:
Dear Trader,
Please contact your Broker regarding any execution questions or issues.
Oh come on Spotware look into this problem there is an obvious bug when sometimes closing a position. It happened to me too but a different error message the error message I got is "Unable to close position order cancelled". That is a lame reply. Makes me think you dont want to fix it or even look into it. Also, I thought brokers cannot manipulate executions using ctrader or maybe they can is that what you are saying?
09 Nov 2015, 16:42
Dear Trader,
Currently, we don't provide users the ability to add/modify a comment in an existing position. We will consider providing it in the future.
Additionally, you can post your ideas/suggestions to
05 Nov 2015, 22:33
Dear Trader,
You could get the index of the latest candle using the following code snippet.
int index = MarketSeries.Close.Count-1;
Then you can iterate though the candles using the index and mark the candles you would like to mark.
Please have a look at the following indicator: /algos/indicators/show/253.
05 Nov 2015, 03:22
Dear Trader,
Please have a look at the following code snippet:
protected override void OnStart() { TimeSeries series = MarketSeries.OpenTime; //Gets the number of elements contained in the series. int count = series.Count; //Gets the last value of this time series. string date = series.LastValue.ToString(); //Returns the DateTime value at the specified index. string date2 = series[count - 10].ToString(); //Access a value in the dataseries certain bars ago string date3 = series.Last(5).ToString(); MarketSeries marketSeriesMin30 = MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Minute30); //Find the index in a different time frame series int index1 = series.GetIndexByExactTime(marketSeriesMin30.OpenTime.LastValue); //Find the index in a different time frame series int index2 = series.GetIndexByTime(marketSeriesMin30.OpenTime.LastValue); //The difference between the two is that GetIndexByTime returns the closest index to the open time, //whereas the GetindexbyExactTime will only return an index if there is one at the exact time and will return -1 otherwise. Print("count {0}, date {1}, date2 {3}, index1 {4}, intex2 {5}.", count, date, date2, date3, index1, index2); }
We hope this helps you.
05 Nov 2015, 02:25
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
Dear Trader,
We kindly ask you to perform the following steps:
1. Open the Start Menu, type regedit in the search box, and press Enter.
2. In regedit, navigate to the location below.(See screenshot below)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
3. In the right pane of the Desktop key, right click on MenuShowDelay and click on Modify. (See screenshot above)
4. Type in a number between 0 to 4000 (400 is default) for how many milliseconds you want the Menu to wait before it opens.
NOTE: The lower the number, the faster the response time. If you use an entry of 0, there is no menu display delay. However it is not recommended to use 0 though since the menus may be hard to navigate through at that speed. 20 is a good number to use.
5. Click on OK to apply.
6. Close regedit.
7. Log off and log on, or restart the computer to apply the changes.
04 Nov 2015, 23:08
Dear Trader,
In the video you send as we see that you move your mouse outside of the templates menu.
When you move your mouse outside of the menu it disappears and this is a normal behavior.
We tried to reproduce your issue without success.
Could you please send us a video trying to switch the default templates (Light and Dark)?
10 Nov 2015, 15:40
Dear Trader,
You can sum up the values of the bars using several approaches. One approach is to write a for loop which will decrease the number of periods and by using the Last method you can retrieve the values you want. Then, you could sum up these values in a variable.