05 Dec 2013, 11:07
Try to follow these steps:
Go to: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\
You will find there some folders starting with your broker name, e.g. broker name cAlgo, broker name cTrader, etc.
Remove those folders that start with the broker name.
Restart cAlgo and see if this fixes the problem.
If the above didn't help, remove the following folder: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
Restart cAlgo.
*** It is advised to make a backup of the above folders before removing them.
04 Dec 2013, 16:00
Have you tried to remove cAlgo settings and caches? You can also try to remove content of c:\Users\kofman\Documents\cAlgo\Sources\ folder, that contains all sources and compiled binaries (better not to remove, but just rename move this folder to different place).
03 Dec 2013, 16:56
Could you explain in details what does it mean "Everything hangs", what exactly do you see? Could you send us a screenshot of your screen at this moment and send it to engage@spotware.com
Also, try to send trouble-shouting information: when cAlgo is loaded pres Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T.
Another question: Are you able to run cTrader or it also hangs?
May be something is wrong with your settings or caches, you can find it in folder C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming and try to remove settings (we recommend to make a backup, not just remove).
03 Dec 2013, 14:46
Tick generation algorithm was not changed. There are two major improvements: New trading API (in fact it also affected old API) and ability to use data from CSV (it could affect trend bars). We can investigate the issue, but we need more details: how exactly your strategy works, what's the difference between old and new results, etc...
03 Dec 2013, 10:17
RE: Forum request
jeex said:
... and it would be nice if you could edit your posts on this forum, as i see a lot of typing errrrrs in my above post. My apologies for that.
Yes, you are right. We will include editing of the posts. For the time being, you may use the spell-checker and preview your post prior to submitting it.
03 Dec 2013, 09:52
( Updated at: 23 Jan 2024, 13:14 )
mefi said:
today I started to try cTrader, very beautiful, but without the trailing stop is useless to me.
Trailing stop for existing positions was implemented a few months ago. Please visit [/forum/whats-new/1317]
We will also implement trailing stop for pending orders in the future.
02 Dec 2013, 16:06
Initialize is called every time the Timeframe or Symbol of a chart is changed and when new historical data is received. When you open the chart cached data is first shown and calculated indicators. Then actual data is downloaded and the indicator is calculated one more time.
Why do you need to play sound in Intialize?
05 Dec 2013, 11:23
anders said:
So most probably, one of your indicators caused the problem. If you send us the contents of this folder, we can investigate the real reason of the issue to prevent it in the future.