20 Mar 2023, 15:16
Hi Panagiotis,
Stating that this is not happening to anybody else when there are multiple reports on this since 2013, seems to me very optimistic. Furthermore, not reporting this doesn't exactly mean it is not occurring.
My question is why this is still happening after 10 years. But it is obviously up to Spotware to provide the due clarifications on this. Maybe, after all, cTrader suffers from some kind of "personality".
Let's give that console a try.. any idea when a beta version for this will be released?
20 Mar 2023, 13:09
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
I performed a cTrader clean install, as suggested. Below is the outcome after 12h running.
I do not really think that there's much more to say regarding this evident issue.
The fact that cBot process is now separated from the main process, nor only shows that the issue does not lie in any of the running cBots, but it also invalidates any possibility to reduce the memory usage on the main process through coding.
In short:
As you may understand, having confidence should be a main point when it comes to any trading platform. However, the careless way Spotware has been handling this highly limiting issue leaves much to be desired.
This has been reported since 2013. There is no room for excuses of any kind here.
Keeping adding features while not solving memory leaks will obviously take this platform into a dead end.
17 Mar 2023, 18:14
( Updated at: 18 Mar 2023, 18:45 )
DarkMatter said:
Hi ncel01,
My UI has been kept the default one. I only use the automated tab to which I've added some cBot instances but these have been inactive in most of the tests I performed and shared. So, it is hard to believe this can be the problem. However, I would be really happy to see that this is the case and that, after all, there's a solution for this case!
Don't be surprised if this the cause of the problem. An instance creates a chart in the background, prices are streamed, bars are added to the chart, and memory is used which is not effectively released when not needed.
All these goodies we get with cTrader come at a cost unfortunately.
In any case, the definite solution to this issue is the option to run cBots from a console, without UI. That will solve the problem once and for all and I know that Spotware is working on it. There was also an image that leaked with the specific feature.
Till then I keep my UIs to the bare minimum when running cBots.
PS: Sorry accidentally logged in with my other account :)
Hi Panagiotis,
I see. However, I wonder how that can explain an increase in memory during the weekend, when prices are not streamed nor bars are added to the charts. I also believe that "goodies" should not be make available at any cost. Memory usage at this level is a hard "price" to pay since it makes the platform useless in every aspect.
Considering that UI customization is really the reason for this lack in performance, I also wonder why traders are not provided with any guidelines (documentation) on how to set an "optimal" UI, so that hardware resources used by the app can be kept at minimum levels.
For instance, I have no idea of what actions, regarding UI costumization, can impact memory the most. The same happen to most of cTrader users, I believe.
Till then I keep my UIs to the bare minimum when running cBots.
What you mean here exactly? Could you please provide some tips on this?
And yes, a console, as mentioned, is definitely a necessary requirement considering such a high limiting issue.
Last but not least:
I am glad you are still active on this forum, even if you're no longer working for Spotware.
You've just proved that providing traders with the right clarifications is not hard and that these will certainly benefit everyone.
Thank you once again!
Have a great weekend ahead.
17 Mar 2023, 10:05
Hi Panagiotis,
Thanks for your reply!
Please notice that I've always tried to be constructive here, until the moment that I noticed that Spotware's was not addressing my issue in a careful/constructive way.
For instance, I've even provided Spotware with the dotMemory workspace regarding this issue and still got the same standard reply:
"Unfortunately we were not able to reproduce this behaviour".
That fact is that there was nothing to reproduce but a whole record/register to look into, that certainly would lead to draw some conclusion(s). As you can imagine, it gets hard to take Spotware seriously if they keep managing traders issues like this. For instance, they could have simply provided a reason (as you did) which explains why this issue can be a particular case with me.
I am aware that I've maybe exceeded myself lately in some of my posts, however, what you're witnessing is the frustration of someone that spent almost 2 years coding for automated trading on cTrader to suddenly realise that, after all, there is a big change that this code will never leave the drawing board by not being provided with any effective help/clarifications.
I am aware and very thankful for all the help you have provided during all this time, believe me.
I am also thankful because in this post you have been more helpful than Spotware in all its replies regarding this case.
Thanks for bringing the hope back in such an elaborated and constructive reply!
RAM usage is not only more than in MT, it is impressively more. However, so far, I never wanted MT as well, reason why I started coding for cTrader.
My UI has been kept the default one. I only use the automated tab to which I've added some cBot instances but these have been inactive in most of the tests I performed and shared. So, it is hard to believe this can be the problem. However, I would be really happy to see that this is the case and that, after all, there's a solution for this case!
I'll follow your suggestions and see if the situation improves.
Regarding Telegram: I don't have an account but I'll consider to create one so I can contact you, as suggested.
Thank you once again for your time and attention. That's much appreciated!
16 Mar 2023, 18:46
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Dear Spotware team,
To the skyyy!
Correction: please fasten your seat belts. We are now approaching crash no. 99999..
Meanwhile, MetaTrader has released its memory usage without being restarted and is now using 200x less memory than cTrader. Yes. 200x less!
Hilarious, isn't it? "Traders First!"
16 Mar 2023, 11:49
Hi Nick,
I am aware of that.
Unfortunately, it looks like Spotware prefers to neglect the evidence and keep implying that this is traders fault rather than solving the issue.
What a reliable business model.
Given this, and considering that this evident issue has been reported since 2013, at least, I can only assume that they are not able to fix the problem.
15 Mar 2023, 22:10
( Updated at: 15 Mar 2023, 22:30 )
This would be great if allowing cBots to run.
Maybe it would be a solution to cTrader's massive memory leaks and traders could, finally, perform automated trading for weeks, or even months, without need to restart the app.
So far, memory leaks have shown that, the platform, as it is now, is not a feasible solution for automated trading.
15 Mar 2023, 18:53
( Updated at: 15 Mar 2023, 19:03 )
Hi Ronnie,
Indeed. As the massive cTrader memory leaks are not enough, we have also been presented with this.
Until proven otherwise, I can only believe that there are interests behind such rules. And these are not in favour of traders, that's for sure.
I thought I would be dealing with professional people, when I gave cTrader a chance but, apparently, I was wrong.
I am afraid we are about no notice how a whole business can get easily burned.
15 Mar 2023, 16:38
@ Strategy5000
Scams is the word that, in fact, suits best these kind of "strategies". Consequently, scammers is the word that, in fact, suits best its providers.
Deliberately, you keep the same harmlessness trading approach, being aware of its consequences, in a totally careless attitude towards investors money and the resultant financial damages.
If not a scam how would you describe it then? Are you just unlucky? Ingenious?
You keep on banging investors "head" against a concrete wall, "hopping" that the wall will break and still you want to be hailed a hero?
The question is: would you behave like this if it was only about your money? I doubt.
So, why not to behave yourself?
We already have the brokers acting carelessly about traders' money. All that traders don't need is "investors" acting the same.
Thanks for your understanding.
@ Tadas,
I just don't get why now it is so evident for you that a strategy is a scam but it was not evident at the moment you started to following it due to its "high return". The due scrutiny is an exercise you should perform before you start following any strategy instead of complaining after it crashed along with your money.
Regarding the 1:500 leverage:
Maybe your account is set to 1:500, however I doubt that you use all the available margin.
If you take it to the limit (100% margin level), then let me know what your "risk management" can do for you.
All your account will be drained by the swaps and commissions only and there is nothing you can do about it.
In fact, high leverage is a true charade that only suits brokers interests. They even apply swaps as they are borrowing money which is obviously not true, making it even more pathetic.
Regrettably, many traders will never understand this and the brokers will continue to benefit from it.
Nevertheless, what I am really worried about are the massive cTrader memory leaks, which are preventing me from making any affective automated trading. And, as far as I see, not many people here is worried about this. That's maybe a detail after all.
I don't really get what the priorities are for these people.
14 Mar 2023, 19:05
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
strategy5000 said:
This is regarding Strategy5000
Why is it invisible from the search and only accessible with the link?
First, it was 1 deal executed in the last 24h, now in the last 72h...
Trades are executed every day and it's still not visible in the search..
Correction: First, it was 1 deal executed in the last 30 days!
However, there was a huge improvement from 24h to 72h. Now there is no longer need to open/close any positions during the weekend, which is amazing!
It's impressive how some brains can fascinate me.
14 Mar 2023, 18:17
( Updated at: 14 Mar 2023, 18:18 )
Hi tadas,
Whose strategy? Not mine for sure.
Unfortunately, there will always be "cowboys" like this. Do you have a solution for it? I don't think that there is an easy one.
Main rule:
Traders should educate themselves and not following any strategies with such a high leverage/returns in short periods. This is (obviously) a statistical impossibility and sooner or later the result will be the same.
It is not very coherent to follow such strategies and enjoy while these are making profits and then complain when the deterministic event arises (the crash).
In other words, it is not logical to aspire being "rich" from one day to another and not being willing to take a hard risk.
What makes you think that a strategy with, for instance, a ROI of 200%/month is reliable? That's the question you and many traders should ask to yourselves.
14 Mar 2023, 13:14
( Updated at: 14 Mar 2023, 13:41 )
Dear cTrader team,
What you mean by "in your case"?
After all this is not a general issue but only happening to me. Is that what you mean?
As I told you, I've launched a cTrader instance without performing any activity on it, so, there's nothing that can be associated to the user's behaviour here.
Furthermore, I've already tested cTrader on 3 different machines, including a VPS, and the result is always the same. RAM usage keeps increasing to a point that the app will kill itself!
Maybe my cTrader account has been sabotaged?
Kind request to raise the level of your communications, otherwise it gets difficult to take you seriously.
For the sake of transparency, could you please share a sample of cTrader memory profile (in your case) running for 1 week?
I would love to notice that it remains flat and that, after all, the problem lies on my side.
Thanks for providing evidence on this as I've already provided evidence enough.
14 Mar 2023, 11:05
Dear cTrader team,
Any comments?
- For how long will you keep pretending this is not an issue?
- For how long will you keep blaming traders' cBots for the evident cTrader memory leaks?
Traders need an effective trading solution over anything described as "visually beautiful".
Is this too hard to understand? What are you selling after all?
Thanks for informing!
22 Mar 2023, 14:32 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Another "personal" crash