16 Nov 2023, 07:42
15 Nov 2023, 10:36

09 Sep 2015, 15:04

Dear Trader,

Mirrored Volume is the total volume of your strategy that was mirrored.


08 Sep 2015, 18:13

Dear Trader,

This could happen due to a number of variables. For example the mirroring traders don’t have enough margin to mirror those trades you are making. If they have other positions open or low leverage they won’t be able to mirror your trades despite cMirror telling you that they follow you.


08 Sep 2015, 17:44


bachapk said:

Same problem here .. I have a currency strength index indicator which was working good till 26th August 2015. But don't know what went wrong that with 500 history bars calculations the indicator do not loading. As the code is not changed therefore, I am sure something wrong have been done on the cAlgo/cTrader platform side.

Dear bachapk,

We apologize for our late response. We would like to ask you if you still have this issue.


08 Sep 2015, 17:09

Dear Traders,

Please contact your Brokers regarding this.


08 Sep 2015, 16:56

Dear Trader,

If Positions.FindAll(label, Symbol); doesn’t find any positions it returns an empty array. This means you have an array without any objects in it. In other words the array is not null but the length of the array equals to 0.

In general you don’t “need” to check whether objects are null. We highly suggest to avoid exceptions like the null reference exception.



08 Sep 2015, 16:01

Dear Trader,

We do not provide coding assistance services. We more than glad to assist you with specific questions about cAlgo.API. You also can contact one of our Partners or post a job in Development Jobs section for further coding assistance.


07 Sep 2015, 20:13

Dear Trader,

Do you experience significant lag only on the specific case you described above?

We kindly ask you to check your internet connection. 


07 Sep 2015, 17:36

Dear Trader,

We cannot provide an ETA.


04 Sep 2015, 03:18

Dear Trader,

Please take a look at the following C# Tutorials:

As soon as you consider yourself able to write codes you should also take a look at API Programmers Guides.

We hope this helps you.


04 Sep 2015, 03:14

Dear Trader,

You just need to retrieve your account balance and then normalize the volume (divided to 100 for percentage) to be able to open a position with a valid volume. The following code snippet illustrates it:

            double balance = Account.Balance;

            long volume = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(balance / 100, RoundingMode.Down);

            ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, volume);

Additionally we recommend you to take a look at our API reference.


03 Sep 2015, 03:50

Dear Trader,

Positions.Closed and OnTick event are independent.

They can come in any order.


01 Sep 2015, 23:52

Dear Trader,

For an indicator:

The index parameter of the “Calculate” method, represents each bar, ranging from 0 up to the current (last) bar. So to achieve retrieving the previous value of an indicator you should use indicatorName.ResultSeriesName[index]. In your case it should be:

public override void Calculate(int index)
indicatorName.ResultSeriesName[index]> IchimokuKinkoHyoindicator.TenkanSen[index] && indicatorName.ResultSeriesName[index-1]<chimokuKinkoHyoindicator.TenkanSen[index-1]

For a cBot:

You will have to create a MarketSeries with Symbol and/or timeframe as parameters. Then retrieve the DataSeries from the MarketSeries on preferred values of historical trendbars (open, close, high, low). As last you count the number of elements the DataSeries contains. Then you will be able to simulate the Calculate method in you cBot the following code snippet illustrates it:

MarketSeries data = MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Hour);

DataSeries data2 = data.Close;

int count = data2.Count; ...

price[count]>tenkan[count] && price[count-1]

Additionally we recommend you to have a look at our API guides.


01 Sep 2015, 23:31

Dear Traders,

It is in our plans to provide such functionality in the future.

Additionally you can vote for it in:


01 Sep 2015, 23:23

Dear Traders,

We have no updates regarding this functionality. We cannot provide ETA at the moment.


01 Sep 2015, 23:20

Dear Trader,

We do not provide source code of our standard indicators.

Many users upload their Indicators/cBots in cTDN. You can try to find a CCI Indicator that suits your needs in Indicators library. If you cannot find it there you can also contact one of our Partners for further help or post a job in Development Jobs section. You could also try to create your own CCI indicator.


01 Sep 2015, 23:11

Dear Trader,

We cannot provide an ETA.


01 Sep 2015, 02:02

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the Position events section of our API Programmers Guides and at OnBar vs OnTick section of our cAlgo support site.


01 Sep 2015, 00:15

Dear Trader,

Many users upload their Indicators/cBots in cTDN. You can try to find the Indicator you are searching for in Indicators library. If you cannot find it there you can also contact one of our Partners for further help or post a job in Development Jobs section.


01 Sep 2015, 00:02

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at our cAlgo.API


31 Aug 2015, 23:54

Dear Trader,

Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider providing users the ability to snap the Fibonacci Expansion tool to the OHLC prices of trendbars in the future. Additionally you can post your ideas/suggestions to
