10 May 2019, 10:03
27 Nov 2018, 07:18

02 Nov 2018, 15:48


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Is it this what you need?

using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.RussianStandardTime, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
    public class SandDTrader3 : Robot
        public DataSeries Source { get; set; }

        [Parameter("LookBackDays", DefaultValue = 800)]
        public int Bars { get; set; }

        private Dictionary<int, double> highsDict = new Dictionary<int, double>();
        private Dictionary<int, double> lowsDict = new Dictionary<int, double>();
        private int index, _index;
        private double high, low, value, _high, _low;
        private Colors color;

        protected override void OnStart()
            for (int k = 1; k < Bars; k++)
                highsDict.Add(k, MarketSeries.High.Last(k));
                lowsDict.Add(k, MarketSeries.Low.Last(k));

            var high = highsDict.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).First();          
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("High" + high.Key, MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(high.Key), high.Value, MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(0), high.Value, Colors.Aqua, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
            ChartObjects.DrawText(high.Key.ToString(), "Price = " + high.Value, _index, high.Value, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Right, Colors.DarkGray);

            var low = lowsDict.OrderBy(x => x.Value).First();           
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("Low" + low.Key, MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(low.Key), low.Value, MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(0), low.Value, Colors.Red, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
            ChartObjects.DrawText(low.Key.ToString(), "Price = " + low.Value, _index, low.Value, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Right, Colors.DarkGray);

Best Regards,


I tried. It is not what I need

I will have to do mo homework, myabe then I write again





02 Nov 2018, 15:29


alexander.n.fedorov said:

When I look at the chart, I know the prices. The the cBot does not

I have to tell him some how

The first blue and the first red



02 Nov 2018, 15:28

When I look at the chart, I know the prices. The the cBot does not

I have to tell him some how



02 Nov 2018, 15:25

Current price is (bid or ask - does not matter)


The blue line gives you the price (which is written on a chart) above the current price

The red line gives you the price below.

I am tryiing to find them programmatically, as well as there keys, as the are a part of dictionary


02 Nov 2018, 15:13

highsDict.Where(x => x.Value > MarketSeries.Close.Last(0)).OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Last();


This one builds, but I do not know what to do with it. I need to find value (1.155)

I am not even concerned about the key



02 Nov 2018, 14:47

Thank you for reply, Panagiotis!

The code will bild if you take away the underscored row

That will give me the picture I posted

but I was trying to find it programmatically out of dictionary, and so far I could not

If you can, please help find programmatically the first price above (on a blue  line) and below (on a red line)







02 Nov 2018, 13:06 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


alexander.n.fedorov said:

Dear Panagiotis, hi!

This much I was able to achieve:

But I still cannot find programmaticaly the closest upper price (or lover) even if print them on a screen

please, find the code


using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.RussianStandardTime, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
    public class SandDTrader3 : Robot
        public DataSeries Source { get; set; }

        [Parameter("LookBackDays", DefaultValue = 800)]
        public int LookBackDays { get; set; }

        private Dictionary<int, double> highsDict = new Dictionary<int, double>();
        private int index, _index;
        private double high, low, value, _high, _low;
        private Colors color;

        protected override void OnStart()
            _index = MarketSeries.Close.Count;
            for (int k = 1; k < 100; k++)
                high = MarketSeries.High.Last(0);
                low = MarketSeries.Low.Last(0);
                for (int i = 0; i < LookBackDays + 1 - k; i++)
                    if (MarketSeries.High.Last(i) > high)
                        high = value = MarketSeries.High.Last(i);
                        index = i;

                    if (MarketSeries.Low.Last(i) < low)
                        low = value = MarketSeries.Low.Last(i);
                        index = i;
                LookBackDays = index - 1;

                    highsDict.Add(index, value);
                } catch (ArgumentException)
                    Print("An element with Key = {0} already exists.", index);
                var _high = highsDict.OrderByDescending(v => v.Value).First();
                foreach (var v in highsDict.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(100))
                    _high = v.Value < _high && v.Value>MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) ? _high = v.Value: _high;
                    color = (v.Value < MarketSeries.Close.Last(0) ? color = Colors.Red : Colors.Aqua);
                    Print("Index: " + v.Key + " Value: " + v.Value + " lookBackDays: " + LookBackDays);
                    ChartObjects.DrawLine("High" + v.Key, MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(v.Key), v.Value, MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(0), v.Value, color, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(v.Key.ToString(), "Price = " + v.Value,  _index , v.Value, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Right, Colors.DarkGray);





Please , help






30 Oct 2018, 11:06

Dear Panagiotis,

is there any way to do that with other versions?





30 Oct 2018, 10:51 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

Maybe it has smth to do with versions?


29 Oct 2018, 12:36


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Sasha,

  1. You can use out keyword
  2. A cBot cannot stop other cBots, at least in a direct way. If you could explain what you are trying to do, I could suggest something.

Best Regards,



I think that I will study the link. Thank you.

For the second one , I think, that one of the bots (special bot) when stopped with send and SQL message to change the flag to "stop"

Every other bot OnTick or OnBar will check the flag (through the SQL connection) and if the flag says "stop"  it will stop.

I was just hoping that it is in an API, where Account.Algos.Stop or smth like that

Thank you and regards
By the way, how do you right SQL statement  in LINQ?


26 Oct 2018, 11:26

Hi, Panagiotis. 
That is what i do, but means, I have to put the whole body of bot inside it

All right. Thank you





26 Oct 2018, 08:06

Dear Panagiotis:


I was trying to run a robot on SPA35 index, which opens at 10 am.

I received a message that I couldnot because the maket to this symbol is closed

I could not find correct solution


Please, help

Regargs, Sasha


26 Oct 2018, 07:05


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi sebo1999,

See below an example on how to print the trading sessions of a symbol

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class NewcBot : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }

        protected override void OnStart()
            foreach (var session in Symbol.MarketHours.Sessions)
                Print("Session Starts: " + session.StartDay + " " + session.StartTime.ToString());
                Print("Session Ends: " + session.EndDay + " " + session.EndTime.ToString());

        protected override void OnTick()

        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here

Best Regards,


This is nice, but hou do I put trades in a correct time?


25 Oct 2018, 02:59


lec0456 said:

/Your function is returning a string but it is not using a string.  you don't need to pass in resul.  Just use empty parenthesis ()

Dear  lec0456. I think I whould really want to talk with you about that issue. My skype is alexander.n.fedorov

If you don't mnd, text me when it would be a good time to talk




24 Oct 2018, 09:12

Thanks a lot! That is what i finally come up with by the morning :)



22 Oct 2018, 16:27


alexander.n.fedorov said:

So, Dictionary is like 2 dimensional (kind of) list and you would do



for (int i=0.........)


     dictionary.Add(i+1, numbers[i]



Thanks, Panagiotis, it helped a lot!


22 Oct 2018, 15:09

for (int i=0.........)


     dictionary.Add(i+1, numbers[i])




22 Oct 2018, 15:09

So, Dictionary is like 2 dimensional (kind of) list and you would do



for (int i=0.........)


     dictionary.Add(i+1, numbers[i]




22 Oct 2018, 14:43


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Here is an example

            var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            dictionary.Add(1, 3);
            dictionary.Add(2, 5);
            dictionary.Add(3, 1);
            dictionary.Add(4, 2);
            dictionary.Add(5, 9);
            dictionary.Add(6, 4);
            dictionary.Add(7, 7);
            dictionary.Add(8, 6);
            dictionary.Add(9, 10);
            dictionary.Add(10, 8);

            foreach (var v in dictionary.OrderBy(x => x.Value).Take(5))
                Print("Index: " + v.Key + " Value: " + v.Value);

Best Regards,


Thank you Panagiotis, I will try to think of it





22 Oct 2018, 14:22


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Sasha,

OrderBy will not sort the original list/dictionary. It will return a new sorted instance.

Best Regards,


Unfortunately, I do not know how to do that, so  I guess I will have to find a book and study
