07 Sep 2015, 14:02
You are not referencing the custom indicator correctly, these are the user defined input parameters for the SinewaveSupportResistance Indicator:-
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.07)] public double Alpha { get; set; }
You are declaring your reference with no parameters; you just needed to include the Alpha value;
_SSR = Indicators.GetIndicator<SinewaveSupportResistance>(MarketSeries, 0.07);
Also try replacing the closing price with current high or low price:-
if (MarketSeries.Low.LastValue <= _SSR.Support.LastValue && longPosition == null)
maybe you want the closing price I don't know, but you are testing the conditions every tick instead of every closing bar price.
06 Sep 2015, 19:06
just a quick guess, but do you not need the current high and low price and not the closing price; have you tried:-
MarketSeries.High.LastValue MarketSeries.Low.LastValue
06 Sep 2015, 08:08
Did you try and run the robot on a weekend when the markets were close?
If so then there are no data-feeds coming into cTrader, instead on a weekend you need to test your functionality with a back-test and log the results.
Aso from your robot you do not need to declare the result..
x = multi.EMA1.LastValue; Print(x);
05 Sep 2015, 14:32
Also try and make the Ema1 private field public and access this value instead.
05 Sep 2015, 13:50
try this and let me know if it works, I have had some issues with indicator objects loading lazily, they have a reference, but no values.
double x =multi.EMA1.Result.Lastvalue;
04 Sep 2015, 21:55
( Updated at: 04 Mar 2016, 18:01 )
Hi Initflow,
Can you explain what you mean by a spread indicate? do you mean an indicator which shows you the current spread?
04 Sep 2015, 20:02
You can also post jobs on the jobs board
Or take a look at all the consultants that offer the services you require:-
04 Sep 2015, 19:48
Not sure if I can advertise or not, but try here.
If you want just free help on certain problems you have then Spotware, myself or members of this forum will help you.
04 Sep 2015, 08:04
Email me if your interested in a link to a service specializing in online training & coaching to learn software development for writing your own indicators and automated strategies, it will teach you the correct way of how to design and write software with Microsoft C# using Visual Studio, when money is involved you want your software to be written to a higher standard.
01 Sep 2015, 17:19
Sorry, my keyboard is playing games, "at" note "ate"
take a look at the logic in the Trend Lines Indicator and draw these characters ate the start and end points:-
01 Sep 2015, 17:19
take a look at the logic in the Trend Lines Indicator and draw these characters ate the start and end points:-
30 Aug 2015, 16:06
this should be a sticky in the forum, its very important. nice job.
30 Aug 2015, 09:49
I think your idea is a very good one, maybe in the future Spotware will include this feature, thanks for the memory manager :-)
29 Aug 2015, 21:17
Hello Mr MoneyBiz,
You could capture the market data and any values in the OnTick event using Visual Studio in debug mode while running a back-test, it will call all the methods OnBar, OnTick etc from the start date to the end date, you could store the values in a database and use a custom built 3rd party application to do the historical analysis to ability to pause, to go forwards, go backwards increase tick speed and lower tick speed.
Please can I have a copy when you have built it, I will buy you a few beers.
28 Aug 2015, 08:10
Paul_Hayes said:
I would like to know this too please.
I am being stupid, I created the accounts with the broker and I need to get them to remove them too.
27 Aug 2015, 13:09
Hello mfedora,
Maybe you should be looking at this for custom applications connecting to the Spotware API.
27 Aug 2015, 08:57
Paul_Hayes said:
Thank you Bachapk, I hope you get your problem sorted now. :-)
I took a look at Spotware Connect, its pretty limited on functionality, if they extend it to include live market data then I am sure you could create a thread-pool to call the RESTful API.
Bachapk, do you have much experience with Spotware Connect API?
27 Aug 2015, 07:11
Thank you Bachapk, I hope you get your problem sorted now. :-)
07 Sep 2015, 15:03
Is this what you are using?