14 Jun 2017, 20:06
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
Trade Manager
You may want to take a look at this product as it has all the features the origibal poster requested.
11 Jun 2017, 19:12
Take a look at this product, it may help you out in the meantime.
10 Jun 2017, 07:53
this block of code
Position _myWorstPosition=Positions[0]; foreach (Position pos in Positions) { if (_myWorstPosition.NetProfit>pos.NetProfit) { _myWorstPosition = pos; } }
can be replaced using LINQ to a single line
var position = Positions.OrderByDescending(i => i.NetProfit).FirstOrDefault();
01 Jun 2017, 08:25
If you are getting heavy CPU and memory usage if you are not running optimization or a back-test than delete the relevant folder and re-install cAlgo, this issue I only ever had once and it has been fine since with memory usage at around 250 mb.
If you are getting heavy CPU and memory usage while running optimization or a back-test than this all depends on how much work needs to be done, it is best to either have a seperate computer to run this on or at least leave your computer alone while the optimization process is running, remember alot of number crunching is happening and when it finishes your memory and cpu should drop back down to an acceptable level, if not take a look at using the memory manager app at the webstore.
28 May 2017, 08:16
Following on from ianj's last post regarding limitations, if anyone else should be reading this, to save you time, you can read more about this by clicking on the link below.
23 May 2017, 14:44
Ignore the "r" use the code below
var position = Positions.OrderByDescending(i => (i.NetProfit)).Where(i => i.Label == "Label").FirstOrDefault();
Also this has not been tested.
23 May 2017, 14:42
One possible way is to chain the LINQ statement, there are many ways to write LINQ, this uses a method syntax with LAMBDA expressions
var position = r.Positions.OrderByDescending(i => (i.NetProfit)).Where(i => i.Label == "Label").FirstOrDefault();
I would suggest you learn LINQ, it is invaluable for dealing with data and very suitable for algorithmic software development to reduce complexity, the days are over where you have 100 lines of repetitive code when you can use just 5
I am offering training and coaching courses later in the summer, also much more education content will be published on the website.
23 May 2017, 13:45
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
With EF or LINQ use this:
var position = Positions.OrderByDescending(i => i.NetProfit).FirstOrDefault(); if(position != null) { ClosePosition(position); }
With LINQ to Objects I suggest to use morelinq extension MaxBy (get morelinq from nuget):
var position = Positions.MaxBy(i => i.NetProfit);
I have not tested this, but it should work.
22 May 2017, 12:26
If you are interested I can send you the FxPro-cAlgo folder contents zipped up. Just let me know if you wish to investigate.
18 May 2017, 22:00
have a look at this indicator and you may possibly use some of the logic, it can detect when the price of an instrument starts to move fast.
17 May 2017, 22:21
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
Take a look at the following web page and video on how to debug your code using cAlgo and Visual Studio 2015
Also you will need an updated vsix file
18 Apr 2017, 22:33
We have some educational material an our website, just click on the link below.
31 Mar 2017, 23:31
Hi Mirko,
I do not sorry, also consider looking at F# and R.
31 Mar 2017, 09:12
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
Hi Mat,
If you plan to trade with cTrader than I would purchase more RAM, 8GB should be fine as it should not often go above 1GB unless you back-test or run some heavy memory usage custom cBots.
As with most modern software, it uses more memory and modern PC's are also more powerful these days, MT4 was created using an older Microsoft technology, so it would use less memory, but with the latest technology that cTrader was built with, it allows a smoother and richer experience for the user.
If you really want to keep your memoryin check than you can use the free alarm manager app which has a memory flusher that clears the cache of cTrader when it reaches your machines memory limit or is affecting the performance of the platform while trading.
28 Mar 2017, 16:59
See if this tool helps, it was built by Scyware for cTrader back-testing.
28 Mar 2017, 08:11
watch video 6 and download the source code
26 Jun 2017, 15:34
Visit here
scroll down to the section - How to Write a Risk Management Robot with Visual Studio
You can download source code and watch a video code walkthrough, it covers what you are looking for.