02 Aug 2024, 08:40
14 Jul 2024, 19:24
10 Jul 2024, 20:06
14 Jun 2024, 20:33

05 Feb 2024, 10:10

RE: RE: RE: Backtest swaps are still missing in some cases

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

ncel01 said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi ncel01,

Can you please provide more information?

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

Yes, of course. Just let know what exact information you need.

Account, broker and how we can see what you are looking at (cBot, screenshots etc)


Try to run a backtest on indices with Pepperstone or Varianse and let me know what the outcome is.

In my case the swaps are zero for all my accounts with these brokers.


01 Feb 2024, 06:58

RE: Backtest swaps are still missing in some cases

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi ncel01,

Can you please provide more information?

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

Yes, of course. Just let know what exact information you need.


29 Jan 2024, 13:56

RE: AssetConverter.Convert() low precision

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi ncel01,

It should be the same to the converted asset's digits (Asset.Digits).

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

I misunderstood it.

I thought that conversions would be calculated on a 2 decimal digits precision only, which is not the case.

Thank you!


17 Jan 2024, 12:22 ( Updated at: 18 Jan 2024, 14:11 )

RE: RE: RE: CLI: lack of basic functionalities

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

ncel01 said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

Stop Command

cBot can be stopped by killing the CLI process. This is the command implied by the documentation

Journal File Generation / Date and Time in CLI Log

Stdout contains all the information and can be forwarded to a text file. You can also implement your own logging functionality. We do not have any further plans at the moment.

Best regards,


Dear Panagiotis,

Can you please provide more details about the “stdout” you mentioned?
I cannot find this file nor I am able to find any documentation about this.

Thank you.

Hi ncel01,

stdout stands for Standard Output. In terms of C# check Console.Out


That's what I first mentioned then ( CLI log ).

However, I don't think that all the information is shown here, as it is in the cTrader journal.

Furthermore, timestamps are not shown, which represents an additional limitation in troubleshooting and monitoring any cBot behavior.

Please consider adding all the basic features to the CLI that will make it a real (effective) alternative to cTrader desktop when it comes algo trading!

While, for instance, OnStop() cannot be called and traders cannot fully rely on the stdout, I don't see how this can replace cTrader itself.

OnStop() is a very important method and cannot be skipped in my cBot. I believe this is also the case with many other cBots.

Tip: Controlling /tracking all the running CLI's from a dashboard in cTrader would be great!

Thank you.


16 Jan 2024, 21:47

RE: CLI: lack of basic functionalities

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

Stop Command

cBot can be stopped by killing the CLI process. This is the command implied by the documentation

Journal File Generation / Date and Time in CLI Log

Stdout contains all the information and can be forwarded to a text file. You can also implement your own logging functionality. We do not have any further plans at the moment.

Best regards,


Dear Panagiotis,

Can you please provide more details about the “stdout” you mentioned?
I cannot find this file nor I am able to find any documentation about this.

Thank you.


14 Jan 2024, 18:39

RE: RE: cTrader Mobile - Unwanted notificationss

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

ncel01 said: 

Dear Panagiotis,

I am not convinced by your arguments, however I can accept this limitation.

In any case, the app act as an intermediary to send these notifications, which could be disabled/filtered in case an option for this was available.

I really believe that every step made by Spotware to provide traders with the tools to become less dependent on the brokers, would be highly appreciated by the community.

I've been noticing that some settings that are not even brokers' business but a sole traders' choice, still need to be requested to the brokers, which is very annoying (e.g. lowering an account leverage).

Thanks for considering the above.

Hi ncel01,

I am not trying to convince you about anything, I am explaining to you how it works. If you have a different opinion, feel free to post a suggestion and the product team will consider it.

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

No worries.
Although I do not always agree with your justifications, I do appreciate your continued willingness to provide your feedback to the community.


10 Jan 2024, 12:39

Dear Panagiotis,

I am not convinced by your arguments, however I can accept this limitation.

In any case, the app act as an intermediary to send these notifications, which could be disabled/filtered in case an option for this was available.

I really believe that every step made by Spotware to provide traders with the tools to become less dependent on the brokers, would be highly appreciated by the community.

I've been noticing that some settings that are not even brokers' business but a sole traders' choice, still need to be requested to the brokers, which is very annoying (e.g. lowering an account leverage).

Thanks for considering the above.


10 Jan 2024, 08:36


Yes, like any other user I have an account with some broker, but that's not the point to me.

Main point:

Would't make sense to have an option to turn the notifications off in the app itself? After all, these are sent via cTrader app, right?


22 Dec 2023, 14:14 ( Updated at: 23 Dec 2023, 08:45 )


For your reference, I believe that similar issues have been reported here:


22 Dec 2023, 13:51

RE: RE: Strategy description panel - Why so restricted ?

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

ncel01 said: 

Dear Panagiotis,

I am not persuaded by the justification provided.
While the information has been noted, I remain unconvinced by the argument that a simple change, which would only take a few minutes to implement, has not been prioritized for over three years. This suggests me that there is no intention to address this issue at all.

Moreover, a reason for the default 1000-character limit remains unexplained.
As you can imagine, it is not a nice at all, for me as trader, to notice that such a restrictive limitation has been imposed and maintained, without any valid justification, despite its obvious and well-known drawbacks.

Hi ncel01,

Your opinion is noted and forwarded to the product team and management but as a matter of policy, we will not be discussing our decisions and the reasons behind them on public forums. 

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

That's appreciated. Thank you.

As a matter of policy, we will not be discussing our decisions and the reasons behind them on public forums. 
I understand.


22 Dec 2023, 12:55

Dear Panagiotis,

I am not persuaded by the justification provided.
While the information has been noted, I remain unconvinced by the argument that a simple change, which would only take a few minutes to implement, has not been prioritized for over three years. This suggests me that there is no intention to address this issue at all.

Moreover, a reason for the default 1000-character limit remains unexplained.
As you can imagine, it is not a nice at all, for me as trader, to notice that such a restrictive limitation has been imposed and maintained, without any valid justification, despite its obvious and well-known drawbacks.


20 Dec 2023, 13:57 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 06:47 )

Dear cTrader Team,

1. Is there any progress/update on this issue?
2. Could you please shed light on the factors hindering its improvement?

Since this is not expected to be resource-intensive nor time-consuming nor high complex, I wonder why this still remain unchanged.

As far as I can see, this concern was already addressed years ago, but so far, no improvements have been implemented:

Thank you for providing the most elementary tools that allow a transparent and clear strategy description that will benefit the whole cTrader community.


14 Dec 2023, 10:15

Thanks for informing.


06 Dec 2023, 11:46


Thanks for informing.

In this case, I afraid that CLI is still not yet a complete/feasible solution when it comes to algo trading.

Is it in Spotware's plans to fill this gap anytime soon?


30 Nov 2023, 13:21


Thanks for your reply.

Killing the process is not exactly a command.

How can traders make use of the OnStop() method through the CLI then? If the process gets killed this method won't be called.


30 Nov 2023, 08:38

Dear cTrader team,

Thanks for informing.


17 Nov 2023, 10:11


v4.8.30, which is the latest I guess.


16 Nov 2023, 12:19 ( Updated at: 16 Nov 2023, 14:17 )

Wrong margin calculation


3 months ago I've reported a similar issue with margin calculation during backtesting:

Despite this calculation being very basic and crucial for risk management, I have double-checked this and "surprisingly," the issue persists.

Conclusion: Due to the inconsistencies in cTrader's calculation, I will continue to use my own calculation.


16 Nov 2023, 10:55

RE: RE: RE: Reply to: Is Algo Trading Legit?

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

ncel01 said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

Can brokers track/sort traders by the number of requests sent to the server(s)?

What kind of requests are you referring too? If you refer to order requests, then yes they are trackable.

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

I mean any request that is sent to the server, to matter its purpose.

What do you exactly mean by order requests?
Are these the only requests that can be used by the brokers to track traders' requests activity/frequency?

Thank you.


Hi ncel01,

Brokers can track orders sent the server. They cannot track other requests e.g. for historical information or heartbeats, as this info is not relevant to them.

Best regards,


Thanks for informing.

In this case I believe that traders must be extra careful, given the reasons already mentioned.


16 Nov 2023, 08:43

RE: Reply to: Is Algo Trading Legit?

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

Can brokers track/sort traders by the number of requests sent to the server(s)?

What kind of requests are you referring too? If you refer to order requests, then yes they are trackable.

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

I mean any request that is sent to the server, to matter its purpose.

What do you exactly mean by order requests?
Are these the only requests that can be used by the brokers to track traders' requests activity/frequency?

Thank you.
