02 Aug 2024, 08:40
14 Jul 2024, 19:24
10 Jul 2024, 20:06
14 Jun 2024, 20:33

03 Dec 2021, 16:02


Hi Panagiotis,

I didn't understand.

Isn't the margin used calculated as VolumeInUnits * EntryPrice / AccountLeverage ?


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ncel01,

If there is no conversion applicable then the equation should be

margin = Volume / leverage

However you are applying conversions here.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook 



03 Dec 2021, 14:35


Hello Panagiotis,


2nd question was indeed clarified based on your reply to the 1st question.

Thank you!


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ncel01,

In case of a limitation, due to minimum trading quantities/increment, will the highest equity/volume ratio (higher margin) be considered for the provider or the investor?

Values are rounded to the closest valid volume.

 What is the maximum deviation considered for provider/investor margin ratio?

I don't understand what do you mean here. Can you please clarify?

 Are the minimum trading quantities always applicable to the investors, even if the calculated quantities based on this copying model are lower than the minimum quantities?


Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook 



03 Dec 2021, 14:01


Hi amusleh,

Right. Thank you for the clarifications!


amusleh said:

ncel01 said:

Hi amusleh,


I forgot to mention but the currencies involved will be only EUR and USD.

In such a case, can Symbol.TickValue/Symbol.TickSize be used to get the conversion ratio symbol/account currency? Is this correct?

How to get symbol currency? The equivalent to the account currency given by Account.Asset.Name but for a symbol?


Thank you!


amusleh said:


Right now you can't convert all symbols involved currency values to your account currency as the symbols currency conversion chain is not available on automate API.

You can do it for Forex symbols, by splitting the symbol manually into base and quote currencies, but this will not work for other symbols.

The only option for now is to use Open API which has this data.

You can also open a thread on suggestion section for this feature to be added on Automate API.



Yes, you can use Symbol.TickValue, but as I said it will only work for some of the symbols not all symbols.

To convert one symbol TickValue to another currency you need the symbol conversion chain which is not available right now on Automate API.




02 Dec 2021, 13:40


Hi Panagiotis,


That's clear.



PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ncel01,

1. No, deposits/withdrawals do not affect the ROI

2. No it is not possible.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook



02 Dec 2021, 13:39


Hi amusleh,


I forgot to mention but the currencies involved will be only EUR and USD.

In such a case, can Symbol.TickValue/Symbol.TickSize be used to get the conversion ratio symbol/account currency? Is this correct?

How to get symbol currency? The equivalent to the account currency given by Account.Asset.Name but for a symbol?


Thank you!


amusleh said:


Right now you can't convert all symbols involved currency values to your account currency as the symbols currency conversion chain is not available on automate API.

You can do it for Forex symbols, by splitting the symbol manually into base and quote currencies, but this will not work for other symbols.

The only option for now is to use Open API which has this data.

You can also open a thread on suggestion section for this feature to be added on Automate API.



02 Dec 2021, 13:29


Hi amusleh,

Thank you for your reply.

That's clear!




amusleh said:


You can just pass the Position current parameters and provide new value only for those parameters that you want to change.

For ex:

        protected override void OnTick()
            var position = Positions.First();

            var newStopLossValue = 1.23423;
            // Here I just modify the stop loss
            ModifyPositionAsync(position, newStopLossValue, position.TakeProfit);


