09 Apr 2015, 17:11
Even if the tester cannot trade multiple symbol, can it proceed information from indicators that need many symbols to calculate ? i mean do a multisymbol indicator can be used to achieved trades on a single pair in the tester ? Thanks.
Multi-symbol indicator will not work in backtesting because multi-symbol backtesting is not supported by cAlgo. We plan to support it in the future.
09 Apr 2015, 11:17
Currently we do not plan to implement OrderCloseBy. You can vote for this idea: If it collects many votes, we will consider adding this functionality.
09 Apr 2015, 11:08
1) Does SpotWare offer any support for generating FIFO compliant statements to brokerage clients in the U.S. as was the case when FXDD was operating Dukascopy's JForex in the U.S. We had unrestricted Order Entry, but statements were written to FIFO compliance.
Please forward this question to
2) Wouldn't most commercially available cAlgo Robots fail without multiple position support ? For multiple entries, I'd have to use an external database if I wanted to remember each partial entry or exit point versus having that part of the cTrader server operation.
cBots must be designed to work in netting mode. Hedging cBots will not work properly in netting accounts.
Also, is there a property which can be used at runtime to detect whether the implementation is the normal "positions" vs the abnormal "net" position?
Currently no, but we plan to add such attribute to the Account object.
06 Apr 2015, 17:21
We can recommend you to contact one of our Partners or post a job in Development Jobs section.
06 Apr 2015, 14:20
I am inclined to suspect that the reason why you adamantly do not want to add this most basic of features, is because other than the top of book price, the other price/volumes in the DOM view are algorithmically synthesized by the cTrader engine, and are not in-fact being streamed from LPs.
We do not generate DoM. DoM is taken from LP directly.
06 Apr 2015, 12:52
We can recommend you to contact one of our Partners or post a job in Development Jobs section.
09 Apr 2015, 17:16
Unfortunately, there is no workaround. You need to wait until your cAlgo will be updated to new version.