16 Nov 2023, 07:42
15 Nov 2023, 10:36

02 May 2017, 17:36

Hi ycomp,

You can run multiple cBots on the same instance of cTrader/cAlgo. However, you cannot run them for different accounts within the same instance. cBots run locally, they do not run on the server.


02 May 2017, 10:34

Hi PaindooTrade,

It is possible to have a single position that nets all your deals by using a netting account. See more information here



02 May 2017, 09:55

Hi ycomp,

no it should never be 0.


27 Apr 2017, 14:31

Hi drusi,

Closing a position works the same way for both hedging and netting accounts with the only difference being that for hedging accounts you need to set in tag 721 the position id you would like your order to be placed. If tag 721 is not set then a new position will open.


24 Apr 2017, 14:25

Yes the limit is1 request per 2 seconds.


24 Apr 2017, 12:01

Hi ycomp,

ProtoOASubscribeForTradingEventsReq is used to subscribe to trading events like order filling, canceling, closing etc. It can not be used to receive position information. If you need position information you can do it through Accounts API.


20 Apr 2017, 11:11

Hi ycomp,

1. What is the quoteToDepositConversionRate in ProtoOAClosePositionDetails?

It is the conversion rate between the deposit currency and the quote currency at the time that the position was closed. It is used to calculate your profit or loss in your deposit currency.

2. profitInPips is available in the Accounts API, is there any way to get the profit in Pips via the Trading API?

No, this is not possible using Trading API. If you don't want to use the accounts API, then you will need to find a way to calculate this information yourself.

3. can there be a situation where you send a close request (specifying the full position volume) and the position gets closed only partially? (i.e. ProtoOAClosePositionDetails: closedVolume is less than the volume you specified ? )

Theoretically it is possible. In the case there is not enough available liquidity to fill the entire order, then your order will be filled partially.

4. TRADING_BAD_VOLUME. how can a position have a 0 volume? Does it mean that I closed it already and I'm trying to close it again ?

This message usually appears when your volume is not within an acceptable range defined by the broker (minimum, maximum or within acceptable steps). In order to explain what happened in your case, we would need more information. It could be what you describe but we cannot be sure. In case it is reproducible, please provide us with steps to reproduce.


19 Apr 2017, 16:10

RE: !

robertdewick said:

Anyone having problems logging into the Web Platform on MAC??

Been like this for 2 weeks now, and it sucks!



Hi Robertdewick,

Can you please share with us some more details of your problem so we can investigate?

1) Can you please elaborate what logging problems do you have? Does the webpage not load at all? Does it not accept your password? Can you share a screenshot?

2) Can you tell us the broker you are using? Have you tried with other brokers?

2) Please give us some details about your browser (which browser, version etc) 


13 Apr 2017, 18:03

Hi ycomp,

1) slippageInPips.  It is the maximum slippage that you are willing to accept

2) baseSlippagePrice. it is this the price that slippageInPips takes as reference. When slippageInPips = 5 it means 5 pips from baseSlippagePrice

3) Do you mean Spotware's Demo or a Broker's Demo. It depends on the settings of the broker

ProtoOACancelOrderReq can be used on any order, but since market orders are filled instalty you can not practically using this.


13 Apr 2017, 10:49

Hi kricka and lec0456,

The brokers not listed on our site are ones who do not want us to promote their brands and prefer to use their own marketing strategies etc. We do not want to violate their requests. If you wish to discover more brokers offering cTrader and cMirror google is very effective.


13 Apr 2017, 10:43

Dear sxCore,

Please find the answers to your points below

1. If you want something different to what is already in the cTrader platform, you can look in the indicators section of this site. If nothing meets your requirements then you should consider to build something which does or seek help from other developers within the community

2. Currently there is no option to underlay indicators. We will consider it for the future

3. It is configured per instance of the indicator

4. We do not have a catalogue of everything that is uploaded by the community and we are not able to consult on the feasibility of your idea.

5. Some indicators are not able to be overlayed on the chart. It is something are considering for the future.


12 Apr 2017, 11:42

Hi lec0456,

You can find which brokers offer cMirror here There is a checkbox that indicates if a broker offers cMirror or not.


11 Apr 2017, 11:11

Hi lec0456,

There are many reasons that might cause a difference in the execution result of a mirror strategy. Some of them could be the following

1) Executed VWAP. Since the provider's order has been executed first, he/she might got a better price than you.

2) Different spreads between brokers. Difference in spreads will cause a different executed price for each of you.



10 Apr 2017, 12:16

Hi Anka Software,

Account enabling/disabing functionality is only available through our backend application. In this case, since this funtionality is targeted to managers, you will need to use our backend APIs. In order to get access to these APIs, you will need to contact a broker that uses cTrader platform.


10 Apr 2017, 11:31

Hi matnet70,

Yes you can do this with both Spotware Connect and FIX API


10 Apr 2017, 11:06

Hi Anka Software,

No there is no such function available from these APIs and it doesn't make much sense to exist either. Why would someone want to lock his own account?


03 Apr 2017, 17:44

The max length is 100 characters


03 Apr 2017, 16:28

Hi ycomp,

No, label is not available through Connect API


31 Mar 2017, 16:04

Try to wait more time before you read the buffer. 


31 Mar 2017, 12:22

We have checked the example project and all positions are streamed without a problem. 
