16 Nov 2023, 07:42
15 Nov 2023, 10:36

13 Jan 2014, 10:02

It is not possible right now but we will add this feature in the future.


10 Jan 2014, 16:14

Thank you for reporting this. It will be fixed.


10 Jan 2014, 12:47


The NetProfit property of a Position type variable has been updated to include closing commissions. 


10 Jan 2014, 12:12


hichem said:

sum += position.NetProfit;

should be

sum += position.NetProfit + position.Commisions + positions.Swap ;

daemon said:

something like this:

        double sum;

        protected override void OnTick()
            sum = 0;

            foreach (var position in Positions)
                sum += position.NetProfit;

            if (sum > 0)
                foreach (var position in Positions)


The NetProfit property of a Position type variable has been updated to include closing commissions. 

Until now the NetProfit property of a Position type variable included commissions one way, that is only the commissions charged upon creating an order. Now, they will include the commissions that will be charged when the position is closed as well.
So, if you had any cBots calculating net profit and subtracted the closing commissions you will need to modify the code otherwise commissions will be subtracted twice.


10 Jan 2014, 12:05

Until now the NetProfit property of a Position type variable included commissions one way, that is only the commissions charged upon creating an order. Now, they will include the commissions that will be charged when the position is closed as well.
So, if you had any cBots calculating net profit and subtracted the closing commissions you will need to modify the code otherwise commissions will be subtracted twice.

So for instance, if your code calculated the net profit like this:

netProfit = position.NetProfit + position.Commissions;

It will need to be updated to:

netProfit = position.NetProfit;



10 Jan 2014, 11:55

Thank you for the suggestion, it is definitely a good idea. We will take it into consideration.


09 Jan 2014, 17:48

Thank you for the suggestion. We will add it to the list of our future implementations.

09 Jan 2014, 17:23

Yes, cBot instances will be saved in workspaces in cTrader.

09 Jan 2014, 17:20

It is high on our priority list but we cannot provide an exact ETA.

09 Jan 2014, 17:19

The crash probably happened because of another reason. Updates are installed on restart. If there is no restart then the updates are not installed, they are not forced.

09 Jan 2014, 17:17

Thank you for reporting this issue. We are aware of it and will fix it.

08 Jan 2014, 11:35

We are aware of this and will fix it in future releases.


07 Jan 2014, 12:47

We are aware of this bug. It will be fixed. Thank you for reporting it.


07 Jan 2014, 12:10

cTrader desktop running on a low configuration such as Celeron 1.7Ghz and 2Gb RAM, runs smoothly consuming only 250 Mb RAM in M1 Timeframe in multi-chart mode with 28 charts loaded and we will include workspaces in cTrader desktop as well.
We recommend at least 500Mb memory to run cTrader/cAlgo with one chart but using multi-chart mode, custom indicators that may be poorly coded, trading with high frequency robots, etc. will require more memory.

Do you have any custom indicators loaded? 


07 Jan 2014, 11:14

We have identified the issue and the fix is currently in progress. Thank you for your report.


07 Jan 2014, 10:56

RE: Better Support for DLL and cAlgo in Visual Studio

PCWalker said:

Is there any progress in the development of Visual Studio developments for cAlgo?

Thank you.

Please see /forum/calgo-support/1333?page=2#11


07 Jan 2014, 10:54


PCWalker said:

Great Article, but this is just an example for using Visual Studio, And it doesn't have full application support, there are number of problems with it.

When is the next version of cAlgo going to be released for Visual Studio support?

Thank you.

Integration with Visual Studio is very high on our priority list. For the time being you may use Visual Studio to edit your code and once you save, your changes will be reflected in the cAlgo editor where you can test your code.


07 Jan 2014, 10:46


Hyperloop said:

Spotware said:

Workspaces will be available in cTrader. Thank you for your feedback.

What about cAlgo?

We do not have plans to include workspaces in cAlgo at the time being but we will add the ability to run cBots in cTrader as well.
Will this be helpful for your purposes or is there any other reason it will be helpful for you to have workspaces in cAlgo?


03 Jan 2014, 17:55

Thank you for your feedback. We will provide backtesting optimization in the future.


03 Jan 2014, 14:43

According to our tests there are no memory leaks. There could be a problem with your code. Please check/modify your code and see if it helps. If you need help please email your code to
