
02 Dec 2024, 07:01

Hi there,

Do you still experience this issue?

Best regards,



29 Nov 2024, 14:20

RE: RE: RE: Indicators on Chart show popup text for lines that are turn off (not ticked) thus reducing area available for right click menu (zoom etc)

martins said: 

martins said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

I did not understand what you are trying to describe. Can you visualize this somehow so that we can understand which popup texts you are referring to?

Best regards,


When you hover the mouse over a line of an indicator it highlight's the whole line as a wide light grey line, and shows a text near the mouse saying the name of the indicator, its parameters in brackets, and the current value at that point. I called that text ‘popup text’. The problem is the text seems to appear regardless of whether the line is ticked (to show normally) or not (only the text 'pops up', the line itself remain correctly hidden).

To reproduce, add any indicator to a chart, say an EMA that only has one line, set its parameters so its line is well away from the candlesticks or any other stuff on the chart, hover on the line, see the ‘popup text’ & ‘fat’ line. All correct so far. Then right click & untick the line, click ok to remove the control box, and hover where the line was - the text will show and a right click there will bring up the control box again, whereas the text should not show and right clicking there should just cause the normal right-click chart menu to show (the same as if you right-clicked on the chart in other free space). The hidden line seems to be contaminating the what-looks-like free areas of the chart. It's probably a one-line fix.

Mouse is hovering over where the Middle line would show if it were ticked - it is unticked so correctly doesn't show, but also should not produce text when hovered over.

Hi there,

Thank you, it has been forwarded to the product team for consideration.

Best regards,



29 Nov 2024, 11:38

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Backtesting

marcelriede said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

marcelriede said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

marcelriede said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there, 

The backtesting function should be at the same place as on the cTrader Windows application. Just click on the instance and you should get the tab on the right.

Best regards,


Danke für die schnelle Antwort.

Leider kann ich die Funktion nicht finden. Sie wird mir nicht angezeigt.

Übersehe ich sie vielleicht? Gibt es einen Screenshot?

Vielen Dank

I don't have a Mac, can you share a screenshot of what you are looking at?

Hier der Screenshot

Backtesting is in the Algo section



Gibt es auch den Market Replay bei MAC?

Hi there,

There isn't one at the moment.

Best regards,



29 Nov 2024, 07:34

Hi there,

Please provide us with more information that would allow us to reproduce this issue. We need

  • The cBot code
  • cBot parameters
  • Screenshots of what you are looking at
  • Steps to reproduce what you are looking at

Best regards,



29 Nov 2024, 07:30

Hi there,

Pivot points are not available on cTrader for Mac at the moment.

Best regards,



29 Nov 2024, 07:20

Hi there,

Can you please post your issue in English and provide screenshots of the issue so that we can understand what you are looking at?

Best regards,



29 Nov 2024, 07:17

Hi there,

What optimization method do you use?

If you use genetic, then it is expected that the passes will not be consistent between optimization runs, even if everything remains the same.

Best regards,



29 Nov 2024, 07:12

Hi there,

Did you test your cBot? Does is not do what you expect it to do? What does it do instead?

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 09:34

Hi there,

If you want to recreate your cTrader ID, you would first need to delete it. You can use the link below to delete your cTrader ID. Note that in order to delete your cTrader ID, all your accounts need to be deleted first. 

Best regards, 




28 Nov 2024, 09:32

Hi there,

I do not see such an effect on my screen. 

Can you share screenshots so that we can see what you are looking at?

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 09:29

Hi there,

It is a known issue and it will be fixed soon.

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 07:02

Hi there,

I did not understand what you are trying to describe. Can you visualize this somehow so that we can understand which popup texts you are referring to?

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 06:57

Hi there,

There is nothing you can do in the optimizer. What you can to is to stop the cBot immediately in OnStart() when the values overlap, so that the execution is skipped.

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 06:52

Hi there,

It's a known issue and it will be solved soon. Unfortunately there is no rollback option at the moment.

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 06:50

Hi Salileh,

Unfortunately we cannot help you with this level of information. Please provide us with the following

  • cBot code 
  • cBot parameters
  • Screenshots and logs that will help us understand the problem
  • Instructions how to reproduce the problem

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 06:44

Hi there,

Can you please explain where exactly is this from?

Best regards,



28 Nov 2024, 06:39

RE: Backtest

nabilvigninou said: 

répondez moi

Hi there,

Please send it to

Best regards,



27 Nov 2024, 12:05

Hi there,

Please provide us with more information on how to reproduce this problem. Share your cBot code, cBot parameters, dates and broker and explain to us what you expected to see and what you see instead.

Best regards,



27 Nov 2024, 12:03

Hi there,

It worked fine for me. Which exact setting is not saved?

Best regards,



27 Nov 2024, 12:01

Hi there,

No there is no such option. You would need to automate this by yourself using cTrader Algo.

Best regards,

