cTrader for Mac
25 Mar 2015, 16:32
Yeah, or at least make the tick charts avaible also on the webtrader!!!
11 Jun 2015, 14:35
cTrader definitely needs a native OSX version. The web version is far too dodgy for live use and having to run a virtual machine just for cTrader is a pain.
30 Jul 2015, 12:37
I would love to see a real OS X version done that i can use
13 Sep 2015, 14:11
i would love to see this done....it really should be standard.
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19 Mar 2016, 18:12
( Updated at: 06 Jan 2017, 15:13 )
The webtrader lacks many features. I currently have to use TradingView as my charting platform and cTrader web as my trade entry platform.
cTrader web has many issues of its own and more than once have I entered in wrong trade volumes and the cloud scalability does not expand to web. None of my templates, indicators setup, layout set, load when it gets backed up to the "cloud".
26 May 2016, 23:48
This would be fantastic... and not just a wineskin app wrap like MT4 does as it's horrible to use, but a fully native version would be amazing.
George Charalambous
01 Jun 2016, 21:41
( Updated at: 02 Jun 2016, 06:17 )
I am pretty sure there are many Mac users who keep on using the Web version of cTrader which has less features than the full application. It cannot be that hard to modify an application to run under Mac. I myself play windows games on a Mac and have actually tried with Wineskin to run cTrader but haven't managed to make it work. But i'm pretty sure you can.
@George Charalambous
25 Jun 2016, 03:36
CTrader is already a very Mac-Ish Application in itself ...
the Mac Community would love it instantly .. (and i could get rid of my last Windows Machine (my trading PC) :P
25 Jun 2016, 03:39
i could come up with 5 top developers willing to do this for free just because they all *like me anoyed beyond imagination of maintaining a windows computer just for the sake of cTrader)
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30 Aug 2016, 21:58
cTrader was build on .NET afaik there is no easy way to port this, what the team can do is to port the web version to desktop using electronjs or something
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27 Nov 2016, 10:08
I simply cannot believe that the volume of people who now own Imac computers would not push developers to develop for us. sure we can run this with wine but the experience is no where near as polished as the native operating system. its a shame to spend big money on an imac and then have to wine programs.
Will IMac bring out a 32" or 34" 4k or 5k unit in 2017. If so how good would it be to use this software natively.
imagine how many imac users you would pick up if you had native software.
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15 Dec 2016, 05:05
As .NET Core became OpenSource and now usable on UNIX systems, i think all the job they did on Windows (cAlgo) can be transported to Mac with just a few customisations. Maybe by using Electron or NodeWebkit to bring an HTMLCSS Web App to Desktop App.
I think they know theses possibilities, may be already working on it.
15 Dec 2016, 05:08
Hello Spotware,
As .NET Core became OpenSource and now usable on UNIX systems, i think all the job you did on Windows (cAlgo) can be transported to Mac with just a few customisations. Maybe by using Electron or NodeWebkit to bring an HTMLCSS Web App to Desktop App.
I think you know theses possibilities, may be already working on it.
02 Mar 2017, 15:07
A OSX port would be great, please develop this idea.
13 Mar 2017, 11:22
I have looked and really did not want to believe that there is no CT Trader for Mac... Please please do consider it, because now i have to buy another computer just to use for trading... Where i live the internet connection can reset anytime so i use the web one but very cautious of that fact. Heeeeellllp.
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11 Jun 2017, 01:32
Disappointing to see so few votes as there are a lot more people that want it i'm sure
11 Jun 2017, 01:32
( Updated at: 11 Jun 2017, 01:33 )
I gave up using the windows version, if mac comes i'll use it again
18 Jun 2017, 07:42
You are losing clients waiting for the votes to reach a certain level. People who own mac's will not come here and vote, they will simply choose other platforms.
Long live Ninja Trader. To bad it doesn't support brokers with both low spreads and high leverage.
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16 Aug 2017, 13:02
How hard can it be to make a mac version ? just do it !!!!
19 Aug 2017, 02:01
( Updated at: 19 Aug 2017, 02:02 )
come on man i need ctrader for MAC! we are in 2017
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13 Oct 2017, 15:26
( Updated at: 13 Oct 2017, 15:27 )
Dear Spotware, please create a Mac version of cTrader platform.
You've created an IOS version of cTrader. How about MacOS?
Hopefully we can see a Mac version of cTrader soon.
09 Nov 2017, 21:55
estão perdendo clientes, na hora que criarem a versão pra mac, muitos irão migar do mt4 pro c trader
25 Nov 2017, 08:56
( Updated at: 25 Nov 2017, 08:57 )
Well, I suppose, cTrader and cAlgo is build with C++ and .NET. To port both apps for MacOS it will take at least 3000 developing hours. It would be awesome!!!!
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24 Jan 2018, 06:53
Mates, parallels is doing the magic -> https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/
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14 Feb 2018, 08:07
Really it's time to come cTrader for Mac!!!!
13 Mar 2018, 19:41
I think its obvious that we want Ctrader to come to Mac OS now....
27 Mar 2018, 17:40
( Updated at: 27 Mar 2018, 17:41 )
Need cTrader for MAC, at least give us hope by giving estimated time period, please!!!
... Deleted by UFO ...
25 Jun 2018, 06:27
( Updated at: 25 Jun 2018, 06:28 )
Yes please! I've been using cTrader for 3 years and been patiently waiting for a Mac version - Web version just isn't the same, and dual booting for 1 program is just ridiculous (having tried and reverted).
Please create a version for Mac OS x
15 Oct 2019, 15:22
Have all you guys not heard of Parallels? I run cTrader exclusively under Parallels for MacOS and it works fine, performance is great.
Personally, I would rather see more features added to the .net version of cTrader than have Spotware have to support a whole other codebase.
Who knows, in the future we may be able to run .net desktop apps natively on macOS anyway, now that Microsoft has started embracing Open Source Software more.
EDIT: I'm sure the guys at SW are already aware of it, but one route to do this would be using AvaloniaUI - this would probably mean a more or less complete rewrite tho, so don't hold your breath..
30 Jan 2020, 14:51
Expecting Spotware to build an OSx version of the cTRader is like expecting Tesla to build a combustion engine car :)
That would be a project of at least over 10 person/year, so forget it!
edoardo.ferretto99 said:
23 Feb 2020, 07:29
trander002 said:
we need this
Spotware made a decision to develop cTrader on c#, a proprietary MIcrosoft language and they take extensive use of .net libraries which are again proprietary to the Windows platform. Spotware would need to basically start again to make a cross platform version, which is actually what they should do. The sooner they start the sooner that 10 man years project time will start counting down.
23 Feb 2021, 19:07
Is there any update on this? Ive just bought a macbook thinking it would be standard to have cTrader as a platform as it is on my windows PC. I should have checked! However it would be great to know if one is going to be coming out in the near future?
24 Feb 2021, 08:13
RE: Mac
giorgiofrattolillo said:
Is there any update on this? Ive just bought a macbook thinking it would be standard to have cTrader as a platform as it is on my windows PC. I should have checked! However it would be great to know if one is going to be coming out in the near future?
Hi Giorgio,
We do not plan to offer cTrader for Mac at the moment.
Best Regards,
14 Jun 2021, 20:11
( Updated at: 14 Jun 2021, 20:15 )
victor.major said:
Spotware made a decision to develop cTrader on c#, a proprietary MIcrosoft language and they take extensive use of .net libraries which are again proprietary to the Windows platform. Spotware would need to basically start again to make a cross platform version, which is actually what they should do. The sooner they start the sooner that 10 man years project time will start counting down.
There is free, cross-platform, open source WPF compatible alternative, called AvaloniaUI created in C#:
So maybe there is chance to port WPF cTrader Desktop client to AvaloniaUI. It shouldn't take much effort, since its XAML and C# framework.
15 Oct 2021, 19:54
I use Parallels Desktop 17 on my iMac 24" ( 2021 model ) with Windows 11, and Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro 16" ( 2018 model ). cTrader is somewhat slow on Windows 11. cTrader for macOS would be very nice. cTrader is the most user-friendly platform, and is very needed for Mac's too. I went from MultiCharts to cTrader recently, and have made my indicators complete just now. I would appreciate if this can be confirmed to be made soon. Please let me know.
Best regards,
Johannes Hillestad Baumann
16 Nov 2021, 11:01
Awesome Trading Platform + Awesome Mac Machine is :heart:
I've always loved cTrader except I always need to use it on web which is not a really good experience in my opinion. I've always loved Mac and it would be amazing to have a native cTrader desktop app. It's slow on Parrallels so I won't really recommend it. I hope developers would build a native cTrader for Mac OS and I'll move all my trading accounts from MT4/MT5 right away! Cheers!
04 Dec 2021, 15:19
I would love this to happen too! cTrader is indeed slower running through a VM (Parallels). I have been using the web version, but it’s things like slower chart loading (also when switching between timeframes) that is almost instant in the desktop version of cTrader and very very slow on the web version!
Also the feature set is not identical between desktop and web application.
24 Feb 2022, 12:01
Mac especially M1 compatible pls
After working with a mac with M1 max cpu. I no longer see intel machines as computer. Please please please make a version which supports M1 architecture. It will make the backtesting much more efficient.
26 Feb 2022, 23:59
Heiken Ashi - MacBook
Posiadam MacBooka i bardzo proszę dołączyć wskaźnik Heiken Ashi i Custom !! Jest mi bardzo potrzebny wskaźnik
28 Feb 2022, 22:00
( Updated at: 02 Mar 2022, 16:12 )
i also need it for mac mobdro
14 Mar 2022, 11:00
RE: Mac especially M1 compatible pls
ergun+de said:
After working with a mac with M1 max cpu. I no longer see intel machines as computer. Please please please make a version which supports M1 architecture. It will make the backtesting much more efficient.
I Agree I have a M1 Mac and its great -- did you try it with Crossover? Maybe CTrader works on there
08 Apr 2022, 11:35
RE: RE: Mac especially M1 compatible pls
grahammiranda13 said:
ergun+de said:
After working with a mac with M1 max cpu. I no longer see intel machines as computer. Please please please make a version which supports M1 architecture. It will make the backtesting much more efficient.
I Agree I have a M1 Mac and its great -- did you try it with Crossover? Maybe CTrader works on there
I am running MS Winders 11 on Parallels. Works just like a Winders box - clunky, outdated and awkward. A perfect simulation...cTrader is the best; if spotware developed it for Mac OSX, it would surely improve their product.
24 Jun 2022, 01:11
( Updated at: 24 Jun 2022, 01:12 )
It has been 4 months since my last comment and as far as i see it is under review :) Any good news or time line?
24 Jun 2022, 01:16
RE: RE: Mac
Any good news?
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
giorgiofrattolillo said:
Is there any update on this? Ive just bought a macbook thinking it would be standard to have cTrader as a platform as it is on my windows PC. I should have checked! However it would be great to know if one is going to be coming out in the near future?
Hi Giorgio,
We do not plan to offer cTrader for Mac at the moment.
Best Regards,
15 Jul 2022, 01:04
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
Still a lot of things to do but getting better...
I'm using FIX protocol, and sometimes some symbols don't get subscribed (EURUSD, EURGBP, EURAUD...). Also, I'm using some external services for the historical data (FIX implementation doesn't support historical data) and it's a nightmare because I can only send a few queries per minute.
10 Oct 2022, 16:56
CAlgo on mac m1 architecture please.
Please at least made a mac supported version with wine/crossover like mql4/5, sure performance will suffice but still better than nothing. Especially if you want to grow your user base and compete with mql4/5.
I'm currently use Ctrader automate feature via Parellels. It's workable but cannot say it the best or most enjoyable experience, for example I cannot run the bot build with.net6, I have to build with .net4 to be able to run the bot. Wishfully to have a native version of CTrader/CAlgo in mac with apple silicon architecture.
23 Jun 2023, 09:18
You need it for mac , essential.
I completely agree, because running a VM on MacOSX to run the APP for Windows is very bad...
29 Jun 2023, 01:33
ctid4064603 said:
victor.major said:
Spotware made a decision to develop cTrader on c#, a proprietary MIcrosoft language and they take extensive use of .net libraries which are again proprietary to the Windows platform. Spotware would need to basically start again to make a cross platform version, which is actually what they should do. The sooner they start the sooner that 10 man years project time will start counting down.
There is free, cross-platform, open source WPF compatible alternative, called AvaloniaUI created in C#:
So maybe there is chance to port WPF cTrader Desktop client to AvaloniaUI. It shouldn't take much effort, since its XAML and C# framework.
Very smart suggestion. I'd like to see a reply from Spotware regarding this option.
08 Dec 2023, 12:07
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Finally it is here! Congratulations, Spotware, and many thanks!

24 Jan 2015, 17:11
Why not profesional software on safety OS X