21 Feb 2016, 12:23
mindbreaker said:
In this month i lose 85%(from 100 000$ to 15000$) of my capital in one week and then earn in two days from 15 000$ to 98 000$ (980%) in one 500 Pips. It is possible :) of course on demo account in the contest whitout cbots.
21 Feb 2016, 12:22
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
cBots .... and forex
In this month i lose 95%(from 100 000$ to 15000$) of my capital in one week and then earn in two days from 15 000$ to 98 000$ (980%) in one 500 Pips. It is possible :) of course on demo account in the contest whitout cbots.
21 Feb 2016, 12:13
RE: cBots ....
mindbreaker said:
1) Results should meet your expectations not the others (if you do not earn on the cbot why you show it to others Most of these robots is written by those who can not earn on forex (Why give away something that earns good money)).
2) Always set higher commission than the minimum.
3) Calgo cheating in making the position limit slippage.
4) Test cbot ontick in short periods of time (for my if the strategy(cbot) does not make money week to week is poor [In each week you can earn more than 100% or lose all your capital !!! ]).
5) Set on real account and show ressults dont show backtests on demo accounts.
6) Practically every month and for most of symbol price increase or decrease 500 Pips (It is from 1% to 500% Only you need set and hold position).
21 Feb 2016, 12:02
cBots ....
1) Results should meet your expectations not the others (if you do not earn on the cbot why you show it to others Most of these robots is written by those who can not earn on forex (Why give away something that earns good money)).
2) Always set higher commission than the minimum.
3) Calgo cheating in making the position limit slippage.
4) Test cbot ontick in short periods of time (for my if the strategy(cbot) does not make money week to week is poor [In each week you can earn more than 100% or lose all your capital !!! ]).
5) Set on real account and show ressults dont show backtests on demo accounts.
02 Feb 2016, 12:23
RE: Mysql
Example: https://github.com/breakermind/cAlgoCopier
and mysql example: https://github.com/breakermind/cAlgoRobotsIndicators/blob/master/_SavePositionsToDatabase.cs
02 Feb 2016, 12:18
forexshark said:
Cmirror is not supported by my broker. Can I setup something similar like cmirror where my subscribers copy my trades via api?
Hi forexshark,
Send positions to mysql database and then create client and read from mysql database fastest way (cBots).
21 Jan 2016, 21:41
RE: cMirror Showing wrong All Time ROI
This post was removed by moderator.
20 Jan 2016, 18:04
use password and account number :D:D:D (hahahaha....)
20 Jan 2016, 17:58
try write email function:
04 Dec 2015, 20:25
It doesn't work (cmirror.com) !
Well then,
it makes no sense to invite people to copy if nothing does not work (ashamed to recommend this stuff).
Have a nice day.
04 Dec 2015, 20:09
I have to change again ip, or reinstall the server. It will work correctly for some time.
04 Dec 2015, 19:52
Spotware said:
Dear mindbreaker,
Could you please further explain us your issue?
We are not sure, we understand what you mean.
I do not understand ?
04 Dec 2015, 19:47
just forex
ironmine said:
Spotware said:
Dear Trader,
We tried to reproduce your issue without success.
Could you please provide us with more information and the steps to reproduce it?
Any information could be useful to us, regarfsddless if it doesn't seem to be important.
I don't want to try to reproduce it. But it may be linked to this problem:
When placing a cBot one a chart, if the symbol or the time of the chart does not coincide with the parameters of the cBot being installed (for example, you try to install a cBot designed for 8 hour time frame on 1 hour time frame), it gives a warning (that time frames do not coincide) and suggests to either move the cBot to the correct chart and to ignore the warning. If you choose to move the cBot to the correct chart, it will open the appropriate chart and the cBot will be placed there. So far, so good. BUT... the first chart will remain open (with no cBot) and it becomes impossible to close it. The close button is not active.
Please let the users unlink trading accounts from CTID. Why you stubbornly refuse to implement this simple feature requested by many already?
It is standard on the forex.
Loss of connection, cBots, failures, trailing did not attach, price requote and always in cAlgo Not responding.
And usually at a loss rather than profit.
You can connect only one cBot to cTID (but for what purpose then use ctid. Instead of (how people) normally passwords for accounts.)
Nice day ;)
04 Dec 2015, 19:37
Spotware said:
Dear Trader,
In order for your strategy to be shown in the Strategies list, it should fill some requirements:
For live accounts:
- The Balance in USD should be bigger than 10
For demo accounts:
- ROI shouldn't be 0
- Total traded volume in is USD shouldn't be 0
How trader can copy my first position?
21 Feb 2016, 12:54 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
balance/equity chart,
only one position open in the same time. maybe leater i set list of positions with open and close prices.
Nice day.