16 Nov 2023, 07:42
15 Nov 2023, 10:36

27 Mar 2017, 11:51

Hi richardblackhall,

By saying free movement do you mean free chart moving i.e up and down as well as left and right?



27 Mar 2017, 11:49

Hi ycomp,

cAlgo is limited at one account at a time. If you want to trade on multiple accounts at the same time, you might consider using Spotware's Connect API.

Best Regards,


27 Mar 2017, 11:46

Hi lec0456,

It is is a known issue and will be fixed soon. It has been addressed a few times in the forum already.


27 Mar 2017, 09:35

Hi taskman9,

We would advice you to have a look at the FIX API sample here


27 Mar 2017, 09:26

Hi ycomp,

If you want to use the sandbox environment, you will need to use the account credentials provided here

Else you can use a demo account on the live environment,


24 Mar 2017, 16:22


Hi Ghashamm,

Please contact your broker to unlink your trading account from this cTID and link it with the correct cTID.


22 Mar 2017, 14:35

Hi dm.skpd

Yes this will be updated soon.


22 Mar 2017, 14:18 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Your FIX API credentials page should look like this

Do you run the latest version of Spotware cTrader?


22 Mar 2017, 11:04


You are advised to use the host name rather than the IP since the IP might change from time to time.


22 Mar 2017, 10:46

Hi Taharxeg,

There should be something wrong with your code which is not obvious from the code sample you sent. We advise you to cross check your implementation with our code samples which are working properly


21 Mar 2017, 16:07

Hi dm.skpd,

Can you verify that you are sending Trade messages to 5202 and not 5201? 


21 Mar 2017, 12:12

Hi ianj,

No this is not possible using FIX API neither we have plans to implement it soon. You will need to implement this functionality on your side.



21 Mar 2017, 12:11

Hi ianj,

Currently it is not possible to do so. In an upcoming update we will include the option to cancel an order, therefore you will be able to cancel and place a new one.


21 Mar 2017, 10:14

Hi ianj,

Yes hedging in now supported for live accounts


21 Mar 2017, 10:11

Hi lec0456,

There is no simple answer to this. In general, you will need to be familiar with parallel programming and use it while programming your cBot. Note that not all algorithms are parallelizable. There are a lot of good articles on the web regarding parallel programming using C# like the following

Have a look at it if you are interested in getting deeper into the subject.


20 Mar 2017, 14:51

When backtesting cAlgo just runs your cBot. If you want to utilize CPU 100% during backtesting you will need to paralellize your cBot's algorithm.


20 Mar 2017, 12:42

Hi j.tarno.

Do you mean the FIX Symbol ID? Go to your cTrader, right click on a Symbol inside the Symbols tab, select information and scroll down to the Symbol Info section. There you can locate the FIX Symbol ID.



20 Mar 2017, 10:56

Hi j.tarno

This is an example of a login message for a pepperstone demo account


and this is the reply


You can use our FIX API code sample to see how the messages are constructed. You can find it here. You can use your credentials in the example and test it.


20 Mar 2017, 10:28

Hi lec0456,

Can you please elaborate when does cAlgo underutilize the processor so we can investigate? 


20 Mar 2017, 10:24

Hi lec0456,

In a recent update we removed the option to show/hide columns in the history tab. Therefore your history tabs contain the columns configured to be visible at the point of the update. It seems you had different columns visible on each machine at the time of the update. This is going to be fixed in the next release.
