16 Nov 2023, 07:42
15 Nov 2023, 10:36

08 Aug 2017, 16:34

Dear Trader,

Currently we offer an example on how to construct FIX API messages in C#. You can find the example here and an introductory article explaining the example here. Unfortunately, we do not have examples in javascript or PHP. Maybe some other members of the community could assist you. We hope that you find the above information helpful. In case, you have any other questions about FIX API we would be happy to address them.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


08 Aug 2017, 15:46

Dear Trader,

Thanks for posting in our forum. Could you please elaborate on your request? What kind of assistance do you need? Please let us know if you have any specific questions on FIX API.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


07 Aug 2017, 17:55

Hi phernandophelix,

We are not aware of a cBot that implements the functionality you describe. Maybe some other member of the community could assist you with this. If you still need assistance developing your cBots you can post a job or contact a cAlgo consultant.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


07 Aug 2017, 17:16

Dear kyle.snodgrass,

Thanks for posting your question in the forum. No, these are not your cTID credentials. These are the credentials for your local proxy.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


07 Aug 2017, 10:27

Hi lec0456,

Currently this is not possible. This request is in the product's backlog for future versions. However, we still do not have an estimation on when this feature will be delivered. 

Best Regards,

cTrader Team.


07 Aug 2017, 10:02

Dear phernandophelix,

Thanks for posting your question in our forum. You can send email alerts through cAlgo by using Notifications. You can program your cBot to check for overbought and oversold conditions in the OnTick event and send the appropriate notifications.

We hope that the above information helps you. Let us know if you need any further assistance.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team



07 Aug 2017, 09:54

Dear mparama,

Thanks for posting in our forum. Unfortunately, your question is not very clear to us. When you say maps, do you mean charts? Would it be possible to give us an example of what you are trying to do?

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


07 Aug 2017, 09:43

Dear archeolog108,

Thanks for posting in the forum. The Standard Deviation Channel is not an inbuilt indicator of cTrader but it is available by the community here.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


07 Aug 2017, 09:34

Hi nmaxcom,

Your concerns have been addressed recently by the company's CEO, Andrey Pavlov, in his reply to an open letter by the community. You can find his reply here. More specifically we quote the following regarding cAlgo.

"cAlgo was in maintenance mode for a long time, I will not make a secret out of this, that's changed - it is now under new management of a promising professional who I hope will engage with you here and his plans are vast, including: API growth vertically and horizontally, IDE and backtesting improvements, monetization for you guys through a cBot store, maybe even cloud execution"

We hope that the above clarifies the situation for you.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 17:27

Dear thearrymail-ct,

Our implementation of the Stop Limit Order(SLO) is similar and inline with the SLOs of most major trading platforms. At the same time, we are aware that some trading platforms interpret SLOs differently than us and this seems to cause the confusion and the different expectations. However, we will not be changing the logic behind our SLO because this is the correct implementation. Instead, we are considering of extending the current logic in a way that will satisfy your expectations as well.

In any case, it was an interesting conversation and we would like to thank you for the valuable feedback.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 14:46

Dear dougdr,

Thanks for posting your question in the forum. Push notifications are not available in our mobile apps currently but it is in our future plans to include them. We will let you know as soon as we develop this feature.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 12:22

Dear michael00,

Thanks for posting your question in the forum. Currently, FIX API does not support market range in the New Order Single message. In case this is added in the future, we will inform you accordingly.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 10:08

Dear YuriiZelinskyi,

The best communication channel between traders and Spotware is this one, our community. In case, you need to engage in a private conversation (e.g. if you need to share with us personal data), you can use or In the future, we plan to introduce new features in our community site, like private messaging and user support functionality that will improve even more the communication between traders and Spotware. 

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 09:57

Dear WhiteMouseFX,

Thanks for taking the time to share your suggestions with us. We will forward your suggestions to the cTrader product team for consideration.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 09:53

Dear WhiteMouseFX,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have managed to reproduce the described behavior and we have reported it to the relevant product team. It should be resolved in one of the future releases of cTrader.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 09:34

Dear Trader,

Thanks for posting your problem in the forum. Does this happen for a specific cBot or for all cBots. Do you get any messages in the cBot Log? If yes, could we have a screenshot of these messages?

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 09:31

Dear iurygdrgdr,

Thanks for posting in our forum. Stop limit orders are still not available in cAlgo. They will be introduced in a future release. We will keep you updated.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


03 Aug 2017, 14:53

Hi again,

You might try something like the following

           // Get the On Balance Volume indicator
            var onBalance = Indicators.OnBalanceVolume(MarketSeries.Median);
            //Get the exponential moving averages for the On Balance Volume indicator
            var ema10 = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(onBalance.Result, 10);
            var ema14 = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(onBalance.Result, 14);
            //Check if exponential moving averages cross each other
                //Do something
                //Do something

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


03 Aug 2017, 11:54


Thanks for posting in the forum. You can call these indicators from your cBot and check whenever they cross each other. Check our example cBots (e.g. Sample Trend cBot) to see how to access an indicator from a cBot. Also the following functions might be helpful for you



Best Regards,

cTrader Team


03 Aug 2017, 11:03

Dear davidp13,

You can use the Positions.Opened and Positions.Closed events to reset your boolean parameters. See a small example below

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class NewcBot : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Buy", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool Buy { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Exit Long", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool ExitLong { get; set; }
        protected override void OnStart()
           Positions.Opened += OnPositionsOpened;
           Positions.Closed += OnPositionsClosed;
        void OnPositionsClosed(PositionClosedEventArgs obj)
            Buy = false;
            ExitLong = true;
        void OnPositionsOpened(PositionOpenedEventArgs obj)
            Buy = false;
            ExitLong = true;

        protected override void OnBar()
            // Put your core logic here

        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here

Best Regards,

cTrader Team
