11 Oct 2017, 09:41
Hi ycomp,
ProtoPingReq has been depreciated. Please use ProtoOAPingReq.
Best Regards,
11 Oct 2017, 09:39
Dear irmscher9,
Thanks for your nice words:) If you google "cTrader Review" you will find many reviews of cTrader where you can share your opinion. However the best feedback for us is to see satisfied users of our products.
Best Regards,
11 Oct 2017, 09:34
Hi jaredthirsk,
We have reported the issue and will be fixed soon. Till then, as a workaround when it stucks on this webpage, you can try to relaunch application.
Best Regards,
11 Oct 2017, 09:33
You can access positions in many ways. Some of them are the following
1) Using an index. The number in the brackets indicates the index of the position you want to get
var position = Positions[4];
2) Using a label. When creating positions you can assign a label and then find them using the following function
var position = Positions.Find(label);
3) Using a label on multiple positions. If you use the same label on may positions, you can get them as follows
var positions = Positions.FindAll(label);
Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Best Regards,
10 Oct 2017, 17:19
Hi irmscher9,
Try the following
int periords = 0; var rsi = Indicators.RelativeStrengthIndex(MarketSeries.Close, 14); for (int i = rsi.Result.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (rsi.Result[i] < 30) { Print("RSI was under 30 " + periords + " perions ago"); break; } else periords++; }
Best Regards,
10 Oct 2017, 11:53
Hi paul_jen345,
Thanks for reporting this issue to us. This a known behavior of cAlgo and the product team is looking into improving it.
Best Regards,
10 Oct 2017, 11:51
Dear Максим_Коваленко,
Custom indicators are not availabe on mobile apps.
Best Regards,
10 Oct 2017, 11:43
Hi pipsiper123,
The following code should do the work for you
var volume = Math.Ceiling((Symbol.QuantityToVolume(130.64) / (double)Symbol.VolumeStep)) * Symbol.VolumeStep;
Use Math.Ceiling or Math.Floor based on how you would like to round your volume.
Best Regards,
10 Oct 2017, 11:27
Hi hungtonydang,
If we suppose that you need the close price of a candle at 11:30 UTC (two hours before NY open time), the example below shows how to get the Close price of yesterday's candle at that time.
MarketSeries.Close[MarketSeries.OpenTime.GetIndexByExactTime(new DateTime(2017, 10, 9, 11, 30, 0).AddHours(TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.Hours))]
Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Best Regards,
10 Oct 2017, 10:26
Hi hungtonydang,
Indeed in case you need to find many positions with the same label you need to use FindAll(label). If you want to get all the positions opened by a specific instance of a cBot then you need to label them all with the same label and use FindAll() function to get them. Let me know if this helps.
Best Regards,
10 Oct 2017, 10:18
Hi zabarmel,
Thanks for posting in our forum. Can you please elaborate a bit more on the problem you are facing? In which chart mode are you in? Where do you want to drag the charts? Do you try to detach and you drag them instead? If you provide us additional information, it will allow us to help you more easily. Maybe if you could also send us a short video (you can use TinyTake for that) it wild be even better.
Best Regards,
09 Oct 2017, 14:24
Hi ycomp,
This is not possible in cTrader. Charts are always drawn based on the Ask price. If you would like to see such a feature in cTrader, you can post a suggestion in the Suggestions section.
Best Regards,
09 Oct 2017, 14:21
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )
Hi Paul,
The behavior is correct. ChikouSpan is a line that plots recent prices n periods ago. On current bar it's value is NaN. See below
In order to get the last ChikuSpan value, you need to use the following code.
using System; using System.Linq; using cAlgo.API; using cAlgo.API.Indicators; using cAlgo.API.Internals; using cAlgo.Indicators; namespace cAlgo { [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)] public class IchimokuKinkoHyoTest : Robot { IchimokuKinkoHyo ihk; protected override void OnStart() { ihk = Indicators.IchimokuKinkoHyo(9, 26, 32); } protected override void OnBar() { var index = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 1; Print(ihk.TenkanSen[index]); Print(ihk.KijunSen[index]); Print(ihk.SenkouSpanA[index]); Print(ihk.SenkouSpanB[index]); Print(ihk.ChikouSpan[index - 26]); } protected override void OnStop() { // Put your deinitialization logic here } } }
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
09 Oct 2017, 11:11
Hi croucrou,
Could you please explain, what does it mean exactly. Will it be possible to modify volume of a position during backtesting?
Yes you should be able to do that.
Are you able to say when could the update be possibly expected?
We do not have a release date yet but we are testing this feature so it should be out soon.
Best Regards,
09 Oct 2017, 10:41
Ηι Paul,
What made you conclude that the ChikouSpan value is wrong? Do you have any expected vs real values? Could we have a fully working example of the export to check that? This information would make it easier for us to assist you.
Best Regards,
09 Oct 2017, 09:29
Hi danblackadder,
Yes it is in our plans to implement this feature but we still don't know when this will be released.
Best Regards,
09 Oct 2017, 09:21
when the target price is triggered now I have two running positions
This is not true. If you use tag 721, your order will pe placed to the specified position, hence in this case it will close the position instead of opening a new one.
Each trade commission is around 0.08 -> so I payed 0.16 in commission because I opened two positions.
If I open my position via Connect API I can set TakeProfit & StopLoss and the position will "close it self" and I paid 0.08
Commissions are per side (open/close). You will pay 0.08 when you open a position and 0.08 when you close a position. So in both cases you will pay 0.16.
Best Regards,
06 Oct 2017, 09:26
Can you please clarify what do you mean when you say that you have two positions? When you enter the marker with your market order at 1.17852, a position is created. Which is the second one?
Also why do you say that commissions are higher?
In general the steps of your example are correct. You should also remember when an SL/TP order is executed to cancel the other one.
Best Regards,
06 Oct 2017, 09:18
Hi Alex,
Correct :)
Best Regards,
11 Oct 2017, 09:52
Hi Zjhehe,
Thanks for describing the issue you face. Could you please give us exact steps on how to reproduce what you see? We tried to reproduce this but we couldn't.
Best Regards,