
15 Apr 2021, 08:17

Dear trader,

Symbols are added by brokers, not by cTrader. You should contact your broker regarding this.

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15 Apr 2021, 08:15

Hi c3techcz,

Do you have any cBots/Indicators running? Did you try a clean installation?

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15 Apr 2021, 08:13

Hi srm_bcn,

There are no such plans at the moment.

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15 Apr 2021, 08:12

Hi anhnguyenbp,

Did you read the link I posted above?

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15 Apr 2021, 08:10

Hi web_wizard_chris,

We do not have any updates regarding this at the moment. 

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14 Apr 2021, 15:48

Hi phucnguyenGoldenFinance,

It will be calculated based on the previous high watermark. In this case it is your initial balance.

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14 Apr 2021, 12:12

Hi budda_dan2020,

if the broker is different, can the symbol spot values be different?


 if the broker is same, but different accounts?

if the broker is same, but live or demo?

You need to ask your broker about this. Technically this is possible.

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14 Apr 2021, 10:27

Hi anhnguyenbp,

There are several reasons that can cause trades to be placed on the subaccount only. You can read them here. From what I can see from the screenshots your follower has a different leverage than the strategy so maybe this is the reason.

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14 Apr 2021, 09:44

Hi wickusvdwalt1,

If you want to receive fees from providing a strategy, you should create a separate live account and set it in the relevant field. See below

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14 Apr 2021, 08:35

Hi yuval.ein,

Here you go

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13 Apr 2021, 15:33

Hi JerryTrader,

It seems you are misunderstanding how things work. Events triggered by trading actions on the server have nothing to do with ticks. They are separate concerns and handled independently. A pending order is a order that is kept on and managed by the server. When the order is triggered, then it is not an order anymore, since it has been sent to the LP for execution. At that moment it is removed from the PendingOrders list, hence you cannot apply any actions on it e.g. cancel it. But It might take some time for the order to be filled or rejected e.g. you could wait for 10 seconds. There is no guarantee to what will happen to the order e.g. if it will be filled or canceled. Hence there is a time span of uncertainty where neither a position exits nor an order, and we cannot know the length of this time span either. However all the rest of the activity on the trading platform has to continue as usual e.g. spot prices streamed. This is not a bug, this is how things work. If this causes problems to your cBot logic e.g. a pending order has been sent for execution but you have no position yet, then this problem needs to be handled at the level of the cBot, since it is specific to your solution. It is you who needs to decide what happens at that time of uncertainty and not the API. Thus a solution could be to develop your own custom collections of orders and positions and manage them as per your requirements e.g. remove pending orders only when filled. I think this is what Ahmad is trying to convey here.

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13 Apr 2021, 14:16

Hi thegoldenboy,

The calculations are correct and they consider your entire account history. You need to spend some time studying and understanding what ROI is and how it works.

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13 Apr 2021, 09:57

Hi yuval.ein,

This feature is in our backlog.

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13 Apr 2021, 09:56

Hi firemyst,

No there is still no such option.

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13 Apr 2021, 09:53

Hi ctid2720557,

That makes an incredible ROI of 426.76%..!?!? in 1 day.

Your calculations are wrong. ROI stands for Return On Investment. The 426,76% does not represent the increase from the previous day but from the strategy's starting date e.g. if somebody invested in the strategy €1 on the strategy's starting date, on the 11/4 he would have had €5493 in his account and on the 12/4 he would have had €5919. This is a 7.76% on a day by day basis but it is a 426.76% when compared to the €1 that somebody has invested.

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13 Apr 2021, 09:45

Hi thegoldenboy,


I do not see anything wrong in the ROI calculation. It seems you had a huge drawdown in February 2020 which is keeping your ROI there. Somebody who would have invested €1000 in your strategy in January 2020 would now have €1.


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13 Apr 2021, 09:37

Hi imrealfighter,

Check While Loops.

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12 Apr 2021, 14:46

Hi thegoldenboy,

No that is not the correct link. Please share it with us as soon as you are able to do so.


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12 Apr 2021, 13:50

Hi thegoldenboy,

This is not the correct link. To get it, click on the button below, copy and post it again.

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12 Apr 2021, 11:46

Hi all,

It seems to be just a visual bug. The ESL is set correctly on the server but displayed wrongly on the relevant field on the web page. We will fix it soon but it should not affect your trading.

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