200.00 USD
Payment Method
Direct Payment
Job Description
I would like to collaborate with someone to create a robot. I have an idea about a trading strategy based on indicators for entry exit signals, can implement trailing stop and incorporate risk management but so far I am unsuccessful in making it profitable.
It trades on EURUSD H1 with starting capital 10000. Rusk 2%.
If someone is willing to share some knowledge and collaborate so we can create a robot together shoot me a message.
If someone would like to just provide trading knowledge in exchange for a fee that is also welcome. Will pay via Paypal.
Thanks and good luck!

Hi Atrader,
I would be happy to share the work, shoot me an email
I would like to collaborat you E-mail me at
Would like to develop a project for you
I know languages (C# - S#) - C++, MQL4 and MQL5, JavaScript + Java, I build WebsiteS + updating/supporting/outlook designing,
plugins, Dll, integration with mt4, EA and indicators , trading panels and copy traders,
cAlgo conversions and development, Jforex, Ninjatrader, Thinkorswim, Visual panels, design APP,
Mobile apps, API connection/integration, Market Readers ...etc.
I also hack and decompile EA and Indicators as well as educating your robot with trading strategies and mathematical formulas + Algorithms.
Experienced IT developer and worked for Microsoft,afterwards moved on to Metaquotes and Google cooperation.
Please contact me at Skype: sergieK90
With respect