100.00 USD
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Direct Payment
Job Description
Request for a Quotation: A cTrader robot, to be applied to a chart(all intervals) to close a previously opened trade(manually entered).
The action to close the open trade to be triggered by the crossing of two moving averages, the shorter average crossing down across the longer moving average in the case of a long position and the reverse for a short position.
Each of the two averages to be user settable for the following three variables: 1. the type average (e.g. simple or exponential) 2. the length average (e.g. 10 period) 3. the input data (e.g. open, close, high, low).
To be clear on the project: I only require two choices of moving average: simple and exponential. I only need four parameters: open, high, low and close.
Additionally the bot need only close the open position I have manually entered as any OCO associated orders should be flattened automatically when the trade is closed.
I will apply the bot to each of several open charts concurrently, each representing a different currency pair. Therefore I may open several trades on several charts and expect the bot to close each open trade when the conditions of the bot are met.
Please quote price and estimated time to delivery.
Please email me any questions on this project.
I propose to pay using PayPal or other satisfactory method.
Thank you,

Would like to develop a project for you
I know languages (C# - S#) - C++, MQL4 and MQL5, JavaScript + Java, I build WebsiteS + updating/supporting/outlook designing,
plugins, Dll, integration with mt4, EA and indicators , trading panels and copy traders,
cAlgo conversions and development, Jforex, Ninjatrader, Thinkorswim, Visual panels, design APP,
Mobile apps, API connection/integration, Market Readers ...etc.
I also hack and decompile EA and Indicators as well as educating your robot with trading strategies and mathematical formulas + Algorithms.
Experienced IT developer and worked for Microsoft,afterwards moved on to Metaquotes and Google cooperation.
Please contact me at Skype: sergieK90
With respect
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I can help and do this for you at a reasonable price.
My Email:
My Skype: Iwori App (

Please contact bachapk [at]
or visit:
I can help you. $50, 2-3 days
skype: e-solod

I can do it for you.
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