500.00 EUR
Payment Method
Direct Payment
Job Description
I would like to copy trades from cTrader platform to another cTrader/cAlgo platform on the local computer.
Please mention your method or approach to completing the task.
I would like to make open source and use without using any commercial library.
One important task would be to include the spread when entering the trade on the Master account Platform and send this data along with the necessary data to open the trade on the Slave Account. I would like to enter trades on the slave account at equal spread or better than the master account.
Maybe these cBots can be of help for your project to complete the cTrader to cTrader trade copier.

Would like to develop a project for you
I know languages (C# - S#) - C++, MQL4 and MQL5, JavaScript + Java, I build WebsiteS + updating/supporting/outlook designing,
plugins, Dll, integration with mt4, EA and indicators , trading panels and copy traders,
cAlgo conversions and development, Jforex, Ninjatrader, Thinkorswim, Visual panels, design APP,
Mobile apps, API connection/integration, Market Readers ...etc.
I also hack and decompile EA and Indicators as well as educating your robot with trading strategies and mathematical formulas + Algorithms.
Experienced IT developer and worked for Microsoft,afterwards moved on to Metaquotes and Google cooperation.
Please contact me at Skype: sergieK90
Email: s.boozini.s@gmail.com
With respect
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I will be happy to help you. No big deal. tks. (clement.tarin@gmail.com)

Please contact bachapk [at] gmail [dot] com

Simple but works: /algos/cbots/show/654

I can help you with this

Hello Dear!
I can get this job done!
If you interested in my services contact me at http://calgotrading.com/contact/
Skype: cAlgoTrading
cAlgo Trading!
There was an identical problem couldn't enter into a ditch of benefit drawing up a strategy. A friend gave this http://put-call-options.com web site to select a proper technique and I have plumped for for themselves the perfect and effective naybolee. I really hope I helped you with your problem. Thanks for attention)))