5 simple cbots

Created at 21 Jan 2015


Joined 21.01.2015




250.00 USD

Payment Method

Direct Payment

Job Description

1st cbot should reopen a trade randomly (buy or sell) when the current trade position (or positions in case of hedging strategy) is closed.

2nd cbot should automatically set an advanced trailing stop to the currently open trade (unless there is more than 1 trade open in the same market/currency pair). If there is a 2nd trading position opened in the same market it means a hedging strategy is in place and the trailing stops should be cancelled or disabled. 

3rd cbot shall double the position twice (effectively quadrupling the position) when a trade reaches -20 pips loss. It shall only do this if there is only 1 position open in the market and NOT if there is a hedging strategy in place where there are more than 1 positions open in the same market/currency pair.

4th cbot should initiate the hedging strategy called "zone recovery" strategy. Please view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyAeujRwLxM - This link is a video that will explain what i mean a bit better... please check out this video from minute 47:00 to minute 51:35

5th cbot should automatically close ALL open positions in the market if losses reach 18% of my account balance. 

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moped38 · 8 years ago

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s.boozini.s's avatar
s.boozini.s · 8 years ago



Would like to develop a project for you


I know languages (C# - S#) - C++, MQL4 and MQL5, JavaScript + Java, I build WebsiteS + updating/supporting/outlook designing, 

plugins, Dll, integration with mt4, EA and indicators , trading panels and copy traders, 

cAlgo conversions and development, Jforex, Ninjatrader, Thinkorswim, Visual panels, design APP, 

Mobile apps, API connection/integration, Market Readers ...etc.


I also hack and decompile EA and Indicators as well as educating your robot with trading strategies and mathematical formulas + Algorithms.


Experienced IT developer and worked for Microsoft,afterwards moved on to Metaquotes and Google cooperation.


Please contact me at Skype: sergieK90

Email: s.boozini.s@gmail.com

With respect

melser_studio · 8 years ago

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cAlgoTrading's avatar
cAlgoTrading · 10 years ago

Hello Dear!

I can get this job done!

If you interested in my services contact me at http://calgotrading.com/contact/

Skype: cAlgoTrading


cAlgo Trading!