I get no error but also no response in FIX API
I get no error but also no response in FIX API
18 May 2021, 15:43
I'm trying to connect to Spotware FIX API with python. It seems that the server just doesn't want to send me any data back. I get no error but also no response.
<socket.socket fd=348, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 62841), raddr=('', 5201)>
19 May 2021, 07:51
( Updated at: 19 May 2021, 07:52 )
Hi Panagiotis,
Thank you for your response.
I send request with the correct password, host, and port number. But I don't know why I don't get any response.
Thanks & Regards,
Shoaib Malek
19 May 2021, 08:22
Hi Shoaib,
You can try our FIX API example as well, which works fine if you use the correct credentials.
Best Regards,
... Deleted by UFO ...
18 May 2021, 16:17
Hi shoaibmalek02,
The message seems correct so make sure the password is correct as well. Also make sure you are using the correct host and port.
Best Regards,
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