The WEB and desctop versions shows the different semtiment. Is it the bug?
Created at 04 Sep 2023, 09:29
The WEB and desctop versions shows the different semtiment. Is it the bug?
04 Sep 2023, 09:29
The web version of cTrader shows the different sentiment comparing to the descktop version.
How to replicate:
1. Run the web version
2, wait couple of hours
3. Compare the sentiment with the desktop version
The expected result:
The sentiment is the (approx) same
The actual result:
The sentiment is different. The difference can not be explained by rounding of values.
If I refresh the web page with the charts (cTraderWeb) the sentiment becomes the same as on the cTraderDesktop
04 Sep 2023, 16:30 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
I hope this info helps