Multiple platforms

Created at 20 Oct 2013, 14:32
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Joined 18.10.2013

Multiple platforms
20 Oct 2013, 14:32

I now have 4 cTraders and 4 cAlgo's running at the same time on the same testing PC - all from a different broker of course. Funny and practical is that the same compiled cAlgo-scripts are automatically used in all 4 instances. So I develop in 1 cAlgo and the other 3 pick up the new code automatically.

Question however: are there known bugs, flaws or risks running 4 instances this way? Should i run them in seperate machines (virtual machines)? Is there a limit for the amount of instances of cTrader on 1 PC?

Please fill me in on this.


21 Oct 2013, 17:35

As far as you have enough resources (mainly memory) you can run as many applications as you want. Everything should work correctly.

The only exception is that in case when cAlgo of one broker is updated before another and you have implemented some robot/indicator using some new API you can not be able to run it on earlier version. The same for chart templates (they are also shared) if you save template in newer version there is a possibility that it will not be loaded to earlier version.


21 Oct 2013, 20:36

Thanks. Got six of 'm running now. Beautifull software, chapeau.
