I want to calculate the exact balance:
Net profit on orders = ((double)position.StopLoss - position.EntryPrice)/ Symbol.TickSize*position.Quantity * Symbol.TickValue * Symbol.LotSize
// value of StopLoss - EntryPrice
if the cbot load on"Eurusd" and there is a "BTCusd" order. Symbol.tickvalue!=Position.tickvalue(Suppose,) . then calculated Net profit is wrong. So I
need Position.tickvalue Position.Tickvalue Position.lotsize. to calculate The order's not Symbol.Tickvalue
04 May 2020, 13:02
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
thanks a lot .
I think,I didn't make it clear
I want to calculate the exact balance:
Net profit on orders = ((double)position.StopLoss - position.EntryPrice)/ Symbol.TickSize*position.Quantity * Symbol.TickValue * Symbol.LotSize
// value of StopLoss - EntryPrice
if the cbot load on"Eurusd" and there is a "BTCusd" order. Symbol.tickvalue!=Position.tickvalue(Suppose,) . then calculated Net profit is wrong. So I
need Position.tickvalue Position.Tickvalue Position.lotsize. to calculate The order's not Symbol.Tickvalue