20 Feb 2020, 17:35
05 Feb 2020, 15:46
07 Jan 2020, 12:52
26 Dec 2019, 18:57
15 Nov 2019, 03:30
22 Oct 2019, 11:35

13 Feb 2020, 11:40

cAlgo Converter

It is not a full coding,It's just part of the workable coding that I have. Well, I figure it out already. Thanks. I just wish converting of workable previous code is much easier. That  if cTrader decide to create converter for it. ;)  I have to change all manually one by one. D)


09 Feb 2020, 01:43

cAlgo Converter

Noted with Thanks. Actually I am already quite aware of this build warning that's why posted only code that I unable to convert here. The build warning doesn't suggest enough good replacement for the obsolete. Spent few hours to look through the new code and finally my problem solved. Thanks anyway.


02 Nov 2019, 06:31

RE: Submitted Price Info [i] for pending limit order were not updated to reflect the latest modified value.

Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi william_tangwl,

Thanks for posting in our forum and for sharing your suggestion. However it is not very clear what are you referring to. Can you please improve the description and maybe add some images so that we understand what do you need?

Best Regards,


Info [i] (submitted price) was not updated in pending limit order after the order were successfully modified. The current distance with spot price were not reflected the correct value as well.


22 Oct 2019, 14:13

After press send it to the server this message appeared:

413 Request Entity Too Large nginx/1.16.1


22 Oct 2019, 12:33

Nope. I press ok button. Try it with ipad also can't sent the screen shot.


22 Oct 2019, 12:30

Well, for some unknown reason, after select tab and choose file and attached my jpg file, there was error massage : Image source URL is missing.


22 Oct 2019, 12:11

After attached the image, there was error massage : Image source URL is missing.


22 Oct 2019, 12:00


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi william_tangwl,

Thanks for posting in our forum and for sharing your suggestion. However it is not very clear what are you referring to. Can you please improve the description and maybe add some images so that we understand what do you need?

Best Regards,



I have already taken my computer screenshot. How do I upload it without using URL?
