27 Mar 2015, 06:18
This can be implemented though an indicator that looks at all pairs and uses notifications.playsound()
19 Mar 2015, 07:34
Are you saying that when It it initially draws the chart the results are different than if you wait for it to draw each new bar?
If so you may have values accumulating during each tick as Calculate is executed every tick, multiple times for that bar until it closes.
19 Mar 2015, 07:28
Code snip:
for (int s = 0; s < symbolList.Length; s++) { RefreshData(); MarketSeries series = MarketData.GetSeries(symbolList[s], TimeFrame); for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) { streams[i, s] = series.WeightedClose.Last(i); //Print(streams[i, s].ToString()); } Print(symbolList[s]); }
symbolList is a string array of all the pairs (eg, { "EURUSD", "GBPUSD" ... } )
Everything from USDPLN out causes the freeze (the 34th pair in my case). Do I need to delete my local history and re-download it? If so how?
04 Oct 2014, 11:07
Is there a better method? This doesn't work with classes used only as a set of functions ( as its never instantiated).
22 Sep 2014, 04:09
This is more of a indicator programming request than a feature for the actual client that cannot be implemented by a user.
22 Sep 2014, 04:05
It would be better to have Cartesian co-ords (eg -1 left side, 1 right side) as pixels will change based on chart size and users screen resolution.
You can draw multiple texts now, but yes you are limited to the 9 enumerated positions.
22 Sep 2014, 04:00
This looks like a tool someone has programmed (and is probably selling), not sure this is an actual feature of MT4?
28 Jun 2014, 08:59
Turns out it is in the documentation, last two examples: /api/guides/indicators
27 Jun 2014, 14:39
That converter sure adds quite a lot to the code.
Most things can be ported manually if you understand them, I've done a few and I also understand the calgo system better for it.
As this is the development section an understanding of programming is assumed. It shouldn't be to hard to track down the problem yourself, that's what errors are for after all.
16 Feb 2014, 06:27
Again apologies for my slightly tongue in cheek critique. I guess last night I must have bumped in to a few to many posts that are a bit mind breaking..
14 Apr 2015, 15:17
This could also be part of the solution to cbots drawing indicators.
Something like
to disable it.
Draw could be immediate and allow data to be shown before the process at hand is finished.