14 Jun 2024, 11:03
RE: Percentage levels indicator
Hi there,
You can only program indicators on cTrader Desktop. If you are looking to assign the job to somebody, contact me at development@clickalgo.com.
Best regards,
14 Jun 2024, 11:03
RE: Percentage levels indicator
Hi there,
You can only program indicators on cTrader Desktop. If you are looking to assign the job to somebody, contact me at development@clickalgo.com.
Best regards,
14 Jun 2024, 11:02
RE: Percentage levels indicator
Hi there,
You can only program indicators on cTrader Desktop. If you are looking to assign the job to somebody, contact me at development@clickalgo.com.
Best regards,
23 Jan 2024, 21:29
Could you help with this indicator

Hello. Can anyone help me with this indicator.
I want to load this indicator only in a day or two because its weighing too much on my pc. It's loading to infinity and I don't have ram enough
I tried to set a max day count but didn't work.
here is the code
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo.Indicators
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class ColorMA : Indicator
[Parameter("Periods", DefaultValue = 200)]
public int period { get; set; }
[Parameter("MA Type")]
public MovingAverageType maType { get; set; }
[Parameter("MaxDays", DefaultValue = 1)]
public int maxDays { get; set; }
[Output("Main", Color = Colors.Cyan)]
public IndicatorDataSeries Result { get; set; }
private SimpleMovingAverage sma;
private ExponentialMovingAverage ema;
private TimeSeriesMovingAverage ts;
private WeightedMovingAverage wma;
private Vidya vid;
private TriangularMovingAverage trn;
private WellesWilderSmoothing wds;
private int thc;
protected override void Initialize()
if (maType == MovingAverageType.Simple)
sma = Indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(MarketSeries.Close, period);
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.Exponential)
ema = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketSeries.Close, period);
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.TimeSeries)
ts = Indicators.TimeSeriesMovingAverage(MarketSeries.Close, period);
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.Weighted)
wma = Indicators.WeightedMovingAverage(MarketSeries.Close, period);
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.VIDYA)
vid = Indicators.Vidya(MarketSeries.Close, period, 0.65);
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.Triangular)
trn = Indicators.TriangularMovingAverage(MarketSeries.Close, period);
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.WilderSmoothing)
wds = Indicators.WellesWilderSmoothing(MarketSeries.Close, period);
Chart.ZoomChanged += OnChartZoomChanged;
void OnChartZoomChanged(ChartZoomEventArgs obj)
for (int i = 0; i < Chart.BarsTotal; i++)
Chart.RemoveObject("smaColorBody" + i);
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (maType == MovingAverageType.Simple)
Result[index] = sma.Result[index];
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.Exponential)
Result[index] = ema.Result[index];
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.TimeSeries)
Result[index] = ts.Result[index];
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.Weighted)
Result[index] = wma.Result[index];
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.VIDYA)
Result[index] = vid.Result[index];
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.Triangular)
Result[index] = trn.Result[index];
else if (maType == MovingAverageType.WilderSmoothing)
Result[index] = wds.Result[index];
Chart.DrawTrendLine("smaColorHL" + index, index, MarketSeries.High[index], index, MarketSeries.Low[index], MarketSeries.High[index] < Result[index] ? Color.Red : MarketSeries.Low[index] > Result[index] ? Color.LawnGreen : Color.Orange);
Chart.DrawTrendLine("smaColorBody" + index, index, MarketSeries.Close[index], index, MarketSeries.Open[index], MarketSeries.High[index] < Result[index] ? Color.Red : MarketSeries.Low[index] > Result[index] ? Color.LawnGreen : Color.Orange, thc);
private void Thickness()
if (Chart.Zoom == 0)
thc = 1;
if (Chart.Zoom == 1)
thc = 2;
if (Chart.Zoom == 2)
thc = 3;
if (Chart.Zoom == 3)
thc = 5;
if (Chart.Zoom == 4)
thc = 11;
if (Chart.Zoom == 5)
thc = 25;
Thank you!
10 Dec 2018, 15:14
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )
Thanks for the reply but the problem persists.
Thanks for the reply sir but the live accounts still don't have the options to turn off the copy trades. I have several losing trades open due to this copy service and the options to remove or stop aren't available. The only option I have is to remove the funds of this live account to stop more trades being open by the strategy provider I have chosen. Can you help?
10 Dec 2018, 14:52
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )
I have changed sir but the options still missing on live accounts
The options still don't show up. It might be a bug from the cmirror copy service system.
10 Dec 2018, 14:52
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )
I have changed sir but the options still missing on live accounts
The options still don't show up. It might be a bug from the cmirror copy service system.
10 Dec 2018, 14:33
tks for the reply
Hello where I put a name? I must to become a strategy provider to be able to change or stop the copy service?
14 Jun 2024, 11:03
RE: RE: Percentage levels indicator
eduardomendes9209@gmail.com said: