27 Jun 2021, 12:55
07 May 2019, 10:43
20 Feb 2019, 08:42
20 Feb 2019, 08:38

27 Aug 2018, 08:21


Dude, there is no perfect software out there! 

Think about dude, if you are blaming Spotware on every single post, do you then believe that your issues will be  solved faster? ;)

Happy coding mate... said: said:

Same here, quick fix: Rebuild your Bot (ctrl+b), you will then be able to run backtest.

Hey Lavio, stop crying like a baby ;) said: said:

Another bug for the collection:

I set W10 into suspended mode this morning and went to lunch, with CTrade running after doing a massive optimization. Up to that time, I was able to "apply" the cbots parameters into the left side to run a backtest nornally.

After lunch, I tried the same, but now the backtest does not run. It says nothing. It does nothing. You click on the right upper side play button in the backtest tab and nothing happens.

This is the second time I describe this kind of bug here. Up to now, no answer.
I repeat: after optimizations, the backtest function STOPS WORKING in the same chart you did the optimization (after it ends, normally or manually). You can open a new instance of the same chart and the backtest will run on this. But then the optimization results cannot be copied using the "apply" button from the other chart instance. This is very annoying and cumbersome when you have a lot of optimizations to check and are left two options: to save into files each one you need to check (a lot of them) or to copy each parameter manually ... for each optimization (not very efficient).


Ah, by the way, I forgot to mention: this bug started to happen with the version 3, the "integrated".



Yes, of course. It is very nornal to need to rebuild the cbot everytime I want to run a backtest. Very normal.

And by the way, this "clever solution" DOES NOT work every time.

I am helping Spotware if you did not notice.
Indeed, I can tell you more you do not know. It is not the backtest that does not work. It is the APPLY button. Because if you save the optimization and Loads it, then the backtest works.
But again, it is a very normal solution for you, isn't it?

If I was Spotware, I would pay more attention to these details and THANK very much those babies who lose their time trying to help them to make a better piece of software.





26 Aug 2018, 08:23


Same here, quick fix: Rebuild your Bot (ctrl+b), you will then be able to run backtest.

Hey Lavio, stop crying like a baby ;) said: said:

Another bug for the collection:

I set W10 into suspended mode this morning and went to lunch, with CTrade running after doing a massive optimization. Up to that time, I was able to "apply" the cbots parameters into the left side to run a backtest nornally.

After lunch, I tried the same, but now the backtest does not run. It says nothing. It does nothing. You click on the right upper side play button in the backtest tab and nothing happens.

This is the second time I describe this kind of bug here. Up to now, no answer.
I repeat: after optimizations, the backtest function STOPS WORKING in the same chart you did the optimization (after it ends, normally or manually). You can open a new instance of the same chart and the backtest will run on this. But then the optimization results cannot be copied using the "apply" button from the other chart instance. This is very annoying and cumbersome when you have a lot of optimizations to check and are left two options: to save into files each one you need to check (a lot of them) or to copy each parameter manually ... for each optimization (not very efficient).


Ah, by the way, I forgot to mention: this bug started to happen with the version 3, the "integrated".



25 Aug 2018, 11:16

Hey Lavio, 

I am pretty sure, you need more RAM, if you got 8GB that wouldn be not enough for such operations. If you want to increase responsivness while optimizing, you will need at least 12GB, best 16-20GB. But even then, do not expect miracles in performance, as optimizing is a very heavy operation. While running optimization, all other tasks will slow down, there is one solution to this, buy serious hardware, i.e. check the Dell PowerEdge solutions.


25 Aug 2018, 10:53

I now checked all browsers on macOS and Windows, the RSI and only the RSI indicator slows down chart. Of macOS safari and Windows MS Edge is very slow, up to 5 seconds.

Webtrader becme for me useless :(


24 Aug 2018, 11:13

Can any one reproduce this behaivior?


23 Aug 2018, 12:33 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


More strange behaivior on Firefox this time. Changing timeframe, freezes the BID Line... said:

I have checked with two other safari users, they report same behaivior. 5-15 seconds to load a chart, change tab or change timeframe. said:

Hi Panagiotis, 

There is no screenshot to show, everthing is working, but just extremly slow. Evertime a change the timefrage or tab, I see the loader icon spining for 10-20 seconds and then i get the chart. On all other browsers works as it should, fast,  also on windows Desktop works as it should. 

I am on FXPro, I've tryed Demo and Live account. 

Thank you




Panagiotis Charalampous said:


Hi Patrick,

Could you please provide us with a screenshot/video of the issue so that we can check? Also let us know which broker's cTrader you are using.

Best Regards,






23 Aug 2018, 10:31


I have checked with two other safari users, they report same behaivior. 5-15 seconds to load a chart, change tab or change timeframe. said:

Hi Panagiotis, 

There is no screenshot to show, everthing is working, but just extremly slow. Evertime a change the timefrage or tab, I see the loader icon spining for 10-20 seconds and then i get the chart. On all other browsers works as it should, fast,  also on windows Desktop works as it should. 

I am on FXPro, I've tryed Demo and Live account. 

Thank you




Panagiotis Charalampous said:


Hi Patrick,

Could you please provide us with a screenshot/video of the issue so that we can check? Also let us know which broker's cTrader you are using.

Best Regards,





23 Aug 2018, 10:28


Hi Panagiotis, 

There is no screenshot to show, everthing is working, but just extremly slow. Evertime a change the timefrage or tab, I see the loader icon spining for 10-20 seconds and then i get the chart. On all other browsers works as it should, fast,  also on windows Desktop works as it should. 

I am on FXPro, I've tryed Demo and Live account. 

Thank you




Panagiotis Charalampous said:


Hi Patrick,

Could you please provide us with a screenshot/video of the issue so that we can check? Also let us know which broker's cTrader you are using.

Best Regards,




16 Aug 2018, 11:02 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

Hey Panagiotis

I am a Mac user, bought a windows machine only for your software :) so got no other. It is strage, today I see separators on 20min. yestarday I didnt. Now I got no separators bellow 20min. 

However, it is not a major, I can use a vertical line if neede.

Seems to be somthing wrong on my setup. No further action exepcted.

Best regards, 




15 Aug 2018, 08:40 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Hello Panagiotis

No matter what color I use, the last period separator disappears on timesframes bellow on 1H and on my own tmeplates, last period separator disappears on timeframes bellow 30Minutes.

Best Reagars,




Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Patrick,

I see that only the last separator is missing. But when I try to reproduce your set up, I see no problems. See below

Can you try changing period separators color and let me know if the separator appears? It could be a rendering issue on your side.

Best Regards,




10 Aug 2018, 11:19 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Sorry, my bad! Usinf the capture tool, shows the separators, see here:

But on the screen there is no separater for timeframes bellow 20 minutes, see attachment.




Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Patrick, 

I don't understand what is the problem. I can see them.

Best Regards,




09 Aug 2018, 12:20


Hello Panagiotis

There is no separator bellow 45min Timeframe, see here:

Best Regards,


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

The period separators are set in our latest update as following:

It will show on weekly opening on the timeframes below daily.

It will show on every first market opening of each month on the timeframes equal/or above daily.

If you like to suggest otherwise you could post your idea/suggestion to:



09 Aug 2018, 11:44


Yeah, great news!!!!



Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Patrick,

It is planned for version 3.02, hopefully sometime this autumn.

Best Regards,




09 Aug 2018, 11:43


the Answer is easy. There is not solution out of the box where you can hit "play" and it will make money for you. Robots works indeed, however, on specific Assets, specific timeframes and specific period of time. 

First you need to 100% understand the strategy followed by the robot, then you must understand the market, then you should optimize the robot parameters to the actual market conditions and then let it run specificly, long or (absolut or) short.

To put it in other words: Robots not working human independently, like cars can't yet drive fully independently, they still need a driver. There are a lot of people out there, they claiming to use nueral networks paradigma (artificial intelligence) to build their robots. Well, neural networks is a fact, but artificial it is not, and hoppefuly it will remain so. 

There are scenarios where a Robot can work fully independently and make money, however, it will never make that much. Robots are here to assist us, most importnat thing a robot does, is they keep as consistent, the most important rule int trading. 

There is only one way to make big money with a full automated system, it is the high performance trading  (HPT) scenario. Only, you will need several hundrend millions to build up the hardware :)

Hope this helps....


TradingDeveloper said:

Hello everyone,

I've tried many robots posted here but all of them fail in giving any profit.

Does anyone know about any robot that really gives some good results?




17 Jul 2018, 17:07


Hello Panagiotis

I want to ask you how far are you with shortcuts? Missing shortcuts for so long, is making me seriously thinking on switching to MT.

Please Shortcuts :)

Best REgards,



Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Dear Patrick,

Thanks for taking the time to bring up this subject. This idea is already in the backlog for some time now and I have communicated with the product team to push the priority a bit more since it seems there is demand for this feature. Hopefully we will see this in one of the future releases of cTrader.

Best Regards,





01 Jul 2018, 18:41


If manual trading can work, then algo-trading works 1000% better. There is no better way to trade than algo-trading. I am profitable over 1.5 years, just with one single bot running on 28 major forex pairs. However, you will never find a bot to buy, if someone sells it, do not buy, it will not work. Build your own bot!!!

Good Luck!!!


zedodia said:

Im still new to bots, ive been trading for a while now but bot facinate me for many reasons. im trying to find an actual bot that will be profitable. is this a dream or is it actually something i can obtain and help escape the rat race?



28 Jun 2018, 10:55

Figured it out, to many decimal point on S/L and T/P.


if (!ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, volume, TradeComment, Math.Round((double)stopLossPips), Math.Round((double)takeProfitPips), Slippage, TradeComment).IsSuccessful)



17 Jun 2018, 11:20


Hello Panagiotis, 

Please kindly deliver an example of the NormalizeVolumeInUnits, as no info found in the API reference.

Thank you!

Best regards,



Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Patrick,

My suggestion is to follow what is suggested in the warnings. Replace the obsolete methods with the new ones.

Best Regards,




06 Jun 2018, 09:27


I figured it out, that key was used as zoom in shortcut. 

Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Patrick,

No I can't. If it was a general issue, nobody would be able to work with cTrader Automate. I will forward this to the product team in case they have anything to suggest. In the meanwhile, please send some troubleshooting information, in case something is going wrong. You can do so by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T. Paste the discussion in the text box and press submit.

Best Regards,





04 Jun 2018, 12:48


Well, in all other application the dot is applicable. I also chenged the keyboard, but nothing. Even with the virutal Keyboard it is not possible. I also changed the keyboard layout to Swiss German and back to English. Nothing. No dot.

Can't you reproduce it? 

Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Patrick,

Are you sure this is something not related with your computer?

Best Regards,


