
23 May 2017, 03:39

Moving On

Judging by the lack of response, I am assuming this is not something I configure myself, and it's the actual functionality of cTrader. Unfortunately this is a bit of a show stopper for me - a tick chart that doesn't actually chart the ticks is.. well.. just a chart.

There were only 2 reasons I looked into cTrader - being able to use everyday indicators on a tick chart, and the DoM. Bid-only tick charts are not sufficient for me (and I have already written a tick chart indicator for my current platform), and as I found out from my broker, their LP only provides DoM for the closet 10M in orders on either side of the price action, which is not "deep" enough for me. So cTrader doesn't benefit me as I thought it might.

For now I will be staying with my current platform, thanks to anyone who invested their time to at least read my post.


10 May 2017, 04:19


tmc. said:

Hi, I don't think I got an answer I was looking for. Anyway, here is how to assing an empty value to the IndicatorDataSeries.

series[index] = double.NaN;


I knew it had to be simple, just couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks for taking the time to help, appreciate it.



10 May 2017, 03:18

"null specified index"

Hi tmc.

did you get an answer on how to clear it for a specified index? I looked at the CreateDataSeries page and it doesn't seem to answer that part.

I don't want to re-init the whole array, I just want to assign an empty value to a specific index but I can't find any details on it. "null" doesn't work and there is no value for "nothing" or "empty" that I can find. When I assign it 0 the indicator uses that actual value.


