
24 Jan 2018, 09:17

Hi irmscher9,

Yes you can delete the entire folder.

Best Regards,



23 Jan 2018, 17:47

Hi irmscher,

We resolved the issue. There was a discrepancy in the backtesting data which we fixed. Please clear your cached tick data (you can find them in \AppData\Roaming\IC Markets cAlgo\BacktestingCache\Ticks\UK100) and run the backtesting again.

Best Regards,



23 Jan 2018, 14:43

Hi trend_meanreversion,

I am happy to hear that. In the future, keep in mind the above procedure to help us with troubleshooting.

Best Regards,



23 Jan 2018, 14:08


Not yet, I will let you know as soon as we have one so that you can test it as well.

Best Regards,



23 Jan 2018, 12:09

Hi trend_meanreversion,

There are no general issues with cTrader at the moment. Can you please send some more information (your cTID, your trading account) to so that our support team can troubleshoot? Also please send us some troubleshooting information. You can do so by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T and press Submit on the form that appears. It the textbox, please put the link to this discussion.

Best Regards,



23 Jan 2018, 09:20

Hi Drummond,

I can confirm that negative spreads are not impossible, on the contrary you can see them frequently on some brokers. However for a more accurate answer it is better to contact your broker directly since they are in charge of their price feeds.

Best Regards,



23 Jan 2018, 09:15

Hi Klaus,

Thanks for posting in our forum. Could you please share a cBot that reproduces this problem so that we can reproduce it and advise accordingly?

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 16:23

Dear leohermoso,

Thanks for clarifying. The principle here is that backtesting should provide exact same resulys to a real scenario given that it is provided with the exact same inputs. However we cannot control all the inputs therefore we advise you backtesting should be used with caution and should be approached as an indicative representation of market conditions.

In backtesting we try to provide trading conditions as close as possible to reality however it is impossible to provide an exact match for many reasons. A couple of them are the following

  • Depth of market. Currently backtesting does not offer DoM information therefore it might lead to different execution prices that in a live environment. Durng backtesting orders are executed at Spot price instead of VWAP price.

  • Latency. Backtesting cannot simulate the effect of execution latency that might result to an execution price different than quoted prices.

Therefore when backtesting a robot on a specific period, deviations from the real result are expected.

My advice to everybody is to use backtesting to understand the general behavior of the algorithm rather than trying to make an exact prediction of an algoritm's outcome. This is an impossible task since there are many uncontrollable factors during trading and execution.

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 15:35

Hi irmscher9,

It seems to be an issue with backtesting data. The point that creates this issue does not seem very reasonable. Did you try to contact your broker to check it?

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 14:54

Hi onyiaegwu.nduka,

You can use the Notifications class to send email alerts. 

Let me know if this information helps.

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 14:51

Hi hungchunho,

Currently there is no feature in cTrader Web to set al alert on an indicator.

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 14:39


This is how to get the stop loss price based on your requirements.

var stopLossPrice = MarketSeries.Low.LastValue - Symbol.PipSize * 5; 

Let me know if this helps.

Best Regards, 



22 Jan 2018, 14:20

Dear leohermoso,

Can you please confirm that you are comparing the same conditions for live and backtesting results? In the post you mention January but in the results we can see only trade statistics for November. You did not provide the period for the backtesting results.

Best Regards,




22 Jan 2018, 14:13

Hi irmscher9,

If you send us the cBot code and the backtesting parameters, maybe we can check out why the stop loss is ignored.

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 12:31

Dear Trader,

Thanks for posting in our forum. Functions cannot be defined within another function. See below how to define a new function in a cBot.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class NewcBot : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }

        protected override void OnStart()
            // Put your initialization logic here

        protected override void OnTick()
            // Put your core logic here

        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here

        protected int newFunction(int n)
            int i = n * 10;
            return i;

Let me know if the above helps you.

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 12:14

Dear Trader,

Thanks for posting in our forum. Unfortunately such functionality is not available currently.

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 11:13

Hi irmscher9,

Probably you have misunderstood what market range does. Market range specifes the amount of pips that you accept the price to move against you when closing a deal. If the calculated VWAP for the deal exceeds the market range, then it will be either executed partially, only for the liquidity available within the market rage or not executed at all. So there is actually one direction every time, up for buy orders and down for sell orders. Market range affects only the market order and not TP and SL. TP is a limit order therefore market range is not applicable (it can also be interpreted as market range of 0)  and SL is a stop order in which you will accept any market range since you need to stop losses and close the entire position.

Let me know if the above clarifies things for you.

Best Regards,



22 Jan 2018, 10:55

Hi irmscher,

Yes you can specify market range in the ExecuteMarketOrder function.

Best Regards,



19 Jan 2018, 09:45

Hi aisaac,

Usually brokers offer online tools to enable traders to calculate the swap rates. I would advise you to contact your broker and ask if they offer such a tool.

Best Regards,



18 Jan 2018, 16:32


This cBot will modify your positions SL and TP on start based on preset values. If this is what you are looking for then yes, it is ready to use.

Best Regards,

