
13 Nov 2019, 09:00

Hi Tj11,

I am not sure what is the problem here. cTrader dsipays based on UTC +/- and not based on a specific timezone, in constrast to MT4 where the timezone is set by the broker. The dates in cTrader are consistent based on UTC time since UTC time doesn't shift anywhere. In MT4 they are dispayed in one timezone before the 4th of November and in another after. If you want your strategy to wotk on a specific timezone, you can always use TimeZones  to set the timezone.

Also this comment is not very clear to me

I hope CTrader charting capabilities will at least catch up with MT4

What do you think is better in MT4 charting than in cTrader?

Best Regards,



12 Nov 2019, 16:35

Hi radioglyn,

Can you be more specific regarding this issue? I cannot reproduce such behavior. What do you mean when you say "screw things up" ? Can you provide steps to reproduce?

Best Regards,



12 Nov 2019, 11:20

Hi El Antonio,

I have explained here why this happens.

Best Regards,



12 Nov 2019, 10:55

Hi El Antonio,

if you have a freemargin of 67.00 and you use your calculation which says that you only need 66.21 for your position your order will get cancelled on lack of free margin.

I am not sure this is true. As far as I know in this case the order will be placed and the margin level will fall a bit under 100%.

Best Regards. 



12 Nov 2019, 10:28 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

Hi El Antonio,

The formula I provided is correct. See below using your own algo

I am not sure why you do all the rest things you do.

Best Regards. 



12 Nov 2019, 09:19

Hi Will,

The commissions you are receiving are from followers that stop following your strategy. When a follower stops copying then fees are realized on the same day.

Best Regards,



12 Nov 2019, 08:40

Hi Reza,

Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment.

Best Regards,



12 Nov 2019, 08:38

Hi emmasystems,

You can do that during the weekends except in exceptional cases when maintenance is taking place.

Best Regards,



12 Nov 2019, 08:36

Hi El Antonio,

The problem is here

 Print("Taken Margin \t", (StartMargin - Account.FreeMargin).ToString("N2"));

To calculate the taken margin you need consider the net PnL as well. So the equation should be Taken Margin = Start Margin - Free Margin + PnL. If you check the margin used by the position in MarketWatch you will see that your calculation is correct. 

Best Regards. 



12 Nov 2019, 08:04

Hi Jens,

Advanced protection runs on the client side. Therefore the information is not passed to the server. It runs on client side. Therefore the information will not be synchronized between two instances.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 16:42


danblackadder said:

BUMP. Multi-symbol support in back testing when? I have been waiting over 2 years for this... 

Hi danblackadder,

It will be included in 3.7

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 15:28

Hi El Antonio,

The formula to get the margin required is simple and it is the following

Required Margin =  (Volume / Leverage) * Conversion Rate 

where the conversion rate is the rate between the base symbol and the account currency. There is no simple general way to get this conversion rate. Internally in cTrader we have a engine that gets the rate between any two symbols using a conversion chain. The conversion chain is available in Open API using the ProtoOASymbolsForConversionReq message. This conversion chain is not available in cTrader Automate API at the moment therefore I do not have an easy solution for you.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 11:27

Hi Andrii,

At the moment only Spotware cTrader Beta contains the fix. Your cTrader should be automatically updated.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 10:57

Hi El Antonio,

This post might be helpful for you.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 10:24

Hi El Antonio,

We do not have such plans at the moment.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 10:21

Hi mark.lite,

I could not reproduce this issue. Are there any specific steps to reproduce? If you can grap a short video demonstrating it, it would be helpful.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 09:45

RE: problem desktop install

emmasystems said:

hello cTrader Team(Panagiotis Charalampous), i am having problem installing cTrader on deskop pc and finding the cAlgo section for code modification. Please advice. thanks.emmasystems.

Hi emmasystems,

Can you please explain to us what is the problem?

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 09:44

Hi Will,

From what I can see you started providing your strategis less than one month ago. Performance fees are realized 30 days after the follower started following you. Read more here.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 09:37

Hi invrksep,

This is not supported at the moment. You cannot share workspaces across different platforms.

Best Regards,



11 Nov 2019, 09:36

Hi all,

This should have been solved in the latest update we released for Spotware cTrader Beta. Can you please also check and let us know if you face any issues?

Best Regards,

