
15 Sep 2020, 08:20

Hi ftmo91598958384,

What is the maximum allowed trading size set by your broker?

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15 Sep 2020, 08:19

Hi alexbourret09,

but the thing is that the Stochastic is not taking the data from the other timeframe.

Why do you think so?

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15 Sep 2020, 08:17

Hi tradex1,

The absence of a centralized exchange does not exclude the possibility of different pools of liquidity with different market depths.

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15 Sep 2020, 08:14

Hi tradex1,

I am not sure what kind of answer do you expect. The indicator requests unlimited access to your computer. It is your call to make if you trust it or not. cTrader cannot make the decision for you hence it asks you. If you do not trust the indicator or the indicator's programmer, don't use it.


Does Ctrader apply a code of conduct for developers and apps can be trusted to produce quality and trusted code for their platform?

No we do not do this. We do not have a central place of distribution for such tools. cTrader Automate can be used by anybody to write their own cBots/Indicators without any limitations and distribute them as they want. We do not provide any kind of guarantee. 

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15 Sep 2020, 08:05

Hi Jakub,

You can use the GetBars() method for this.

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14 Sep 2020, 15:21 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Hi seibertm,

Here it is

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14 Sep 2020, 14:46

Hi dani20102015,

So you are seeing lots.

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14 Sep 2020, 14:41

Hi dani20102015,

Can this happen in cTrader services?

No it cannot. Brokers cannot manipulate price feeds from within cTrader.

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14 Sep 2020, 14:32

Hi dani20102015,

Go to Settings > Assets and check your units to figure out what are you looking at.

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14 Sep 2020, 14:26

Hi dani20102015,

Finally, just for curiousity, what would happen if I reach that limit? would I get kicked out?

If you send more than 50 requests in one second, only the first 50 will be processed. The rest will be rejected. There is no other punishment :).

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14 Sep 2020, 14:19

Hi dani20102015,

This is a question for brokers. There is nothing for us to confirm actually. If the brokers allow it then it is possible.

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14 Sep 2020, 14:04

Hi dani20102015,

The limit for Open API proxies is 50 requests per second per application. cTrader Copy does not have such limitations.

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14 Sep 2020, 12:52


Management fee is charged on a monthly basis. The formulas to calculate the management fees are the below

daily management fee = (EOD equity * management fee) / 365

monthly management fee = Sum of all daily management fees

Let me know if you have any further questions

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14 Sep 2020, 12:36

Hi dani20102015,

There is no limitation at the moment.

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14 Sep 2020, 11:35

Hi Christian,

It's not possible to request more then about 2 weeks of M1 bars (API reference says 5 weeks)

There is a hard limit of 14000 bars. We will update the documentation to reflect this information

 As there is no hasMore field in ProtoOAGetTrendbarsRes it's quite hard to find out if some data is missing.

Based on the time span limit and the hard limit of 14000 bars, you will need to program your application accordingly. If for example you detect that bars have not been received until the datetime you need, you will been to detect the missing timespan and request again.

 Not related to this issue but a little bit confusing for me is that ticks are sorted in descending order but trend bars are sorted in ascending order - is there any way to change this behavior?

No but it should not be hard to sort on your side.

Also, it seems that several bars are missing - some of those (e. g. every night between 22:54 and 23:05) are also missing in cTrader, others are available in cTrader but missing when requested via Open API! 

The API requests should fetch exactly what you see on your cTrader chart. If there are discrepancies between UI and API, please provide more information to reproduce the issue. For discrepancies between platforms, you should contact your broker. 

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14 Sep 2020, 10:41

Hi findsameh,

Here is the correct way to do this.

        private void OnPositionsClosed(PositionClosedEventArgs args)
            var trade = History.Where(x => x.PositionId == args.Position.Id).First();
            Print("Pos ID: {0} ... Close Time: {1}", trade.PositionId, TimeInUtc);

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14 Sep 2020, 08:32

Hi dani20102015,

See below the answers to your questions

I understand that every last day of the month is paid a performance fee to the Strategy Provider. This means that me as the Strategy Provider will get paid in monthly basis, the last day of the month. So If I have win all days and opened 100 operations in the whole month, then the all the fees will be paid in the last day.

This is not correct. Fees are paid one month after the follower has started following your strategy and not at the end of the calendar month. If your followers started following you on different days, then you will receive fees on different days.

Now, who is actually making the payment? I mean, I know investors pays but legally, are you or the broker that sends the monies to me?  

The payment is made by your broker.

 Finally, what happens when Investor stop the copy process but month has not ended yet? Will the Strategy Provider get their perfomance fee as well? 

You will receive the fees up that moment.

 This means that all investors will be automatically trading right? and they will also have can get a Trading History that they were trading but following another person. 


 Now, let's assume that Strategy Provider (SP) has an equity of 10 Million and Investor (INV) 10 Million as well. Now SP opens today a trade of 100 lots, does this means that INV also open a 100 lot as well, right? And what about if there are 5 investors with 10 Million Equity? Does this means that SP + 5 investors will be 600 lots all together right? 



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14 Sep 2020, 08:26

Hi ctid2033788,

No this is not possible at the moment.

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14 Sep 2020, 08:20

Hi mbv4f,

Are you signed in with your cTrader ID? What is preventing you from selecting an account? Please provide more information about this issue so that we can understand what is the problem e.g. some screenshots or a short video.

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14 Sep 2020, 08:13

Hi vldmarton,

You can check the RunningMode and skip this line in case of optimization.

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