
09 Sep 2021, 15:10

Hi Oleg,

Just clone the repository.

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09 Sep 2021, 09:44

Hi Mr Dow.

No, this is not possible. If you increase the balance in your following account, your positions will be adjusted to restore the equity to equity ratio.

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09 Sep 2021, 08:43

Hi cW22Trader,

How could the indicator already know the high and low value (sma period = 1) at 9 pm of the previous day (see 1. screen shot)?

Because you are retrieving data for historical bars that have already been closed. All the bars you retrieve are closed bars. When you get data using GetIndexByTime(), you don't get the bar as it was at the specific point of time, but the completed bar where the requested time falls in.

If you are looking to find the bar state at the specific point of time, then this functionality is not offered by the API. You will need to develop something yourself.

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06 Sep 2021, 08:32

Hi marlonb,

There are many reasons that can cause discrepancies in results. You can read them in our EULA, section 11.1.II.

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06 Sep 2021, 08:30

Hi there,

I am not really sure what are you asking about. Are you looking for a method to place or close orders? Are you looking for a method to create shortcuts? Please elaborate so that we can assist you further.

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06 Sep 2021, 08:25

Hi mywork35,

There is no such option at the moment.

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06 Sep 2021, 08:24

Hi eliewallstreet2020,

Unfortunately there is no such option at the moment.

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03 Sep 2021, 07:57

Hi belasto,

After the order is triggered, you can modify your position's TP. You can listen to the Position.Opened event and then use ModifyTakeProfitPrice to set your desired TP price.

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03 Sep 2021, 07:54

Hi charles.ebert,

I confirm.

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02 Sep 2021, 16:55

Hi charles.ebert,

Each broker has his own cTrader instance which connects automatically to that broker. You need to download each broker's cTrader platform to be able to access that broker's accounts.

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02 Sep 2021, 16:33

Hi belasto,

Orders accept only relative SL/TP values since do not know the actual execution price. Absolute SL and TP values are calculated only after an order has been placed. Else there is a danger of placing invalid SL/TP values.

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02 Sep 2021, 12:00

Hi jordigh81,

FIX protocol is offered through FIX API. FIX API can be accessed by any programming language. We have some .Net Examples if you are interested.

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02 Sep 2021, 08:16

Hi charles.ebert,

Each broker has his own cTrader instance. So you should know which broker you are using only by checking which cTrader platform you are using.

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01 Sep 2021, 12:40

Hi theintelligentwolf,

It seems you are using absolute values for setting SL and TP. You should use pips instead.

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01 Sep 2021, 08:02

Hi cpicey,

cTrader Copy for iOS is currently under development. We hope to have this feature soon.

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31 Aug 2021, 14:47

Hi ehsan.khabiri,

I could not reproduce the described behavior. Could you please record a video so that we can see what you are actually doing?

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31 Aug 2021, 10:30

Hi Christian,

All changes for drawings are accumulated when user's code is executed and the text is drawn after the code completes execution. There is no command to force update.

A workaround is to you can push some action to the queue so it will be executed later  in the following way.


  1. Call Chart.DrawStaticText
  2. Call BeginInvokeOnMainThread and pass an action as an argument that will start optimization work. This method will be called after the current method has finished.

See below an example

protected override void OnStart()
    Chart.DrawStaticText("status", "Preparing...", VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Left, Color.White);
    // OnStart method will be finished and DoHeavyWork() will be called later

private void DoHeavyWork()
    var endTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(4);
    while (DateTime.Now < endTime)

    Chart.DrawStaticText("status", "Started", VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Left, Color.White);

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31 Aug 2021, 09:10

Hi Abstract,

We managed to reproduce the problem and our team looking at it.

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31 Aug 2021, 08:30

Hi Björn,

Please share your indicator code as well as the indicator parameters so that we can reproduce the problem.

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31 Aug 2021, 08:27

Hi vittorioroncagli,

We need more information in order to help you. Please provide us with the following

  1. Complete cBot code
  2. A detailed explanation describing why do you think it doesn't work and explaining how to reproduce this behavior

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