1000.00 USD
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Direct Payment
Job Description
Hi Guys!
Iam looking for a skilled and advanced cTrader/cBot developer who additionally is firm with MT4/mql4 development! I need a solution which is capable of:
Copy trades from the MT4 to the cTrader platform
Open and close the trades on the cTrader Platform as an market order (the type of order is extremely important and it shall neither an instant nor an order type)
Copy also (definable) parameters like take profit and stop loss to the cTrader platform
I would like to get a development offer for 3 different possibilities (although there is not much difference between 1 & 3):
- The solution works like the MT4i trade copier based on sender and receiver (see: http://www.mt4i.com/appstore/app.aspx?id=2&sort=popularity)
- The solution works like the PowerTradeCopier (see: http://multiterminal.net/ - of course this approach would be very elegant because there is no need to run open instances of master and slave terminals)
- The solution works like the MTIB-Bridge but instead of copying to Interactive Brokers I need it copied to the cTrader platform
Additional information: in any case the master passwords from both platforms (accounts) are known. As I have noticed so far there should be no massive obstacles to realize such a solution but unfortunately iam not familiar enough with neither the cAlgo API nor C# and I need the app very soon. That`s why I would be thankful if you could:
Tell me whether you see some unsolvable issues while realizing such an app
Tell me whether you have access to some pre developed code snippets which possibly could be applied therefore
Additionally give me an estimation of costs and time efforts in form of an development offer best sent to mro@developersglobal.com
Looking forward to your answer, best regards,
hi and I hope U be fine
I'm ready to do this job even with more parameters
because I'm completely dominant on account copiers
at now I've an account copier that U can run on unlimited master accounts and unlimited slave accounts and run them simultaneously
there is an option in master EA that shows Identity of that master account and U specify in slave setting that this slave follow of which master ( a number as an identity )
a master account can give its trades to unlimited slave accounts
furthemore I did 3 account copier jobs
every job had its own complexity
this is 1 one year good experience of account copier
skype Id: alizadeh1988
i am also looking for basically same thing.......MT4 has a client terminal API and C Trader has an open API.....need to trade from C trader and have trade copied to MT4 or a GUI that can send to both platforms

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