Seek coding mentor in cTrader FIX API in C# with QuickFIX/n

Created at 22 Oct 2024


Joined 14.06.2024




60.00 USD

Payment Method

Direct Payment

Job Description

I am building my automatic trading interface in C#/.NET/VisualStudio (in order to run my proprietary algos) but I am bumping into one issue after the other with the technicalities and configs of the cTrader FIX API using the free C# FIX library QuickFIX/n, hence why I need specialist expertise.

The work will be relatively light for you, as I am doing all the coding and the debugging, and you will observe through screen sharing or suggest steps on the chat.

As an example, I am already struggling with running the provided QuickFIX sample app: 

If you are interested, please let me know your credentials and hourly rate (and payment method), in reply to this or on email (

Thank you,


(Budget below is indicative. I can wire EUR or GBP too. I am open-minded to using Upwork or Freelancer if you prefer).

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jorgearteaga's avatar
jorgearteaga · 1 month ago
Hi, I am a developer specialized in cTrader with several years of experience. I can help you build the solution you need efficiently and professionally. If you're interested, I’d be happy to discuss more details about your project. You can reach me at:
herculesone88's avatar
herculesone88 · 3 months ago
Hello! I will be happy to look into this with you today or tomorrow. I do not require a fee, consider it prodessional curiosity. If we get a breakthrough together feel free to tip or send something, but I won't require a fee. Reach out here: @protradingkingdom Telegram, or email protradingkingdom@gmail