500.00 USD
Payment Method
Direct Payment
Job Description
I need script (the best for me will be python), which monitor equity and balance on 10 accounts. If equity will reach 3% of balance, then I received email, if reach 4% then all open positions will be closed.
- i want 2 settings, trailing 3%-4% for equity, and static 3%-4% saved at 11pm CEST from balance - I must set which account, which max daily loss has (static or trailing). trailing is; if in day I have max equity 110.000, so 3-4% will be calculated from 110.000 - that's is trailing mode. in static mode, script at 11pm save balance, and if equity I next 24h reach 3-4% then email me + close positions
balance at 11pm can be saved in text file
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7 months ago
Hi, I can do that in 2 days. Contact me @:
My Email: easyyman2@gmail.com

Hi, I can do this project for you. With several years of experience in programming, forex analysis and trading. Email: joseph.tradingbot@gmail.com Telegram: @iamjosepe