50.00 GBP
Payment Method
Direct Payment
Job Description
Hi I would like to have a midpoint indicator created that shows in dots the midpoint of every candle as its created, this should also have the option to change colours, size of dots as well as have a button on the chart that can show and hide these points when needed - i have attached a screenshot of an mt4 version of what i am talking about to give a better idea

Hi, I can do that for you.
with several years of experience in programming and forex analysis and trading.
Telegram: @iamjosepe

Hi there,
We can help you with your project. Feel free to reach out to me at
Please take some time and read the frequently asked questions as well as why you should choose us to help you with your projects.

Hi, I can do that.
I have more than 6 years of experience creating bots and indicators in ctrader and MT4.
Telegram: @bienveP
Thank you for posting this job opportunity. I am interested in creating this midpoint indicator for you within 1 day within the budget stated. At Smooth Signal Services, we have a team of professional C# experts with the skills and experience to do a great job. We can also provide regular updates on request to ensure the indicator works as expected. Please let me know if you would like to discuss this project further. I look forward to hearing from you.
Samuel Machua.
Smooth Signal Services.