List all strategies with no discrimination

List all strategies with no discrimination
28 Feb 2023, 14:22
cTrader Copy official platform has applied a new criterion to hide strategies which have had no open positions since last Saturday(26 Feb 2023).
The search result also doesn't return the strategy name if there is no position!
I don't think it's a fair criterion, for those SPs who only trade intraday or have open positions in a short time (e.g. close average in or less than an hour) Even if they have trade almost every day.
I suggest restoring previous criteria to list all strategies without discrimination and letting users or investors can manually set on/off for the criterion
28 Feb 2023, 18:13
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Capt.Z-Fort.Builder said:
cTrader Copy official platform has applied a new criterion to hide strategies which have had no open positions since last Saturday(26 Feb 2023).
The search result also doesn't return the strategy name if there is no position!
I don't think it's a fair criterion, for those SPs who only trade intraday or have open positions in a short time (e.g. close average in or less than an hour) Even if they have trade almost every day.
I suggest restoring previous criteria to list all strategies without discrimination and letting users or investors can manually set on/off for the criterion
More than discrimination this is about to promote/encourage some particular trading style(s).
I would love to hear what can be the criteria behind such rules. To satisfy some brokers?
As you can see, a killing strategy (ROI > -90%), when overtrading is, to Spotware, very welcome to be included in the strategies list.
Obviously, there is no possible justification for this. At least not a justification compliant with the motto "Traders First".
So far, I feel like I give one step forward and Spotware pulls me 2 steps back due to all the increasing and ridiculous limitations adopted.
Keep on thinking that traders are dumbs does not sound very intelligent at all.
28 Feb 2023, 18:35
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
you're right. this promotes over-trading and encourages people to trade as frequent as possible and that will eventually lead to more losses. we're traders and we know that.
ncel01 said:
Capt.Z-Fort.Builder said:
cTrader Copy official platform has applied a new criterion to hide strategies which have had no open positions since last Saturday(26 Feb 2023).
The search result also doesn't return the strategy name if there is no position!
I don't think it's a fair criterion, for those SPs who only trade intraday or have open positions in a short time (e.g. close average in or less than an hour) Even if they have trade almost every day.
I suggest restoring previous criteria to list all strategies without discrimination and letting users or investors can manually set on/off for the criterion
More than discrimination this is about to promote/encourage some particular trading style(s).
I would love to hear what can be the criteria behind such rules. To satisfy some brokers?
As you can see, a killing strategy (ROI > -90%), when overtrading is, to Spotware, very welcome to be included in the strategies list.
Obviously, there is no possible justification for this. At least not a justification compliant with the motto "Traders First".
So far, I feel like I give one step forward and Spotware pulls me 2 steps back due to all the increasing and ridiculous limitations adopted.
Keep on thinking that traders are dumbs does not sound very intelligent at all.
28 Feb 2023, 18:49
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Tarwada said:
you're right. this promotes over-trading and encourages people to trade as frequent as possible and that will eventually lead to more losses. we're traders and we know that.
ncel01 said:
Capt.Z-Fort.Builder said:
cTrader Copy official platform has applied a new criterion to hide strategies which have had no open positions since last Saturday(26 Feb 2023).
The search result also doesn't return the strategy name if there is no position!
I don't think it's a fair criterion, for those SPs who only trade intraday or have open positions in a short time (e.g. close average in or less than an hour) Even if they have trade almost every day.
I suggest restoring previous criteria to list all strategies without discrimination and letting users or investors can manually set on/off for the criterion
More than discrimination this is about to promote/encourage some particular trading style(s).
I would love to hear what can be the criteria behind such rules. To satisfy some brokers?
As you can see, a killing strategy (ROI > -90%), when overtrading is, to Spotware, very welcome to be included in the strategies list.
Obviously, there is no possible justification for this. At least not a justification compliant with the motto "Traders First".
So far, I feel like I give one step forward and Spotware pulls me 2 steps back due to all the increasing and ridiculous limitations adopted.
Keep on thinking that traders are dumbs does not sound very intelligent at all.
Hi Tarwada,
And that's very compliant with the motto Traders First, isn't it? ????
01 Mar 2023, 02:30
Essentially Spotware is saying:
We don't care if your profitable system is dictating you should not trade today, we want you to execute trades every day for the benefit of the broker and for our benefit. If you are a swing trader that does not have positions on at all times you will not appear on the list. If you are intraday trader with short term trades you will also not appear on the list. You must have a position on are all times and pay swap fees.
Excellent business logic! (This is sarcasm btw). Keep going this way and let's see where we are in one year.
03 Mar 2023, 19:15
This means that Ctrader is forcing strategy providers to continuously open trades. And also force investors to copy open trades, because they can only see a strategy when it has at least one trade. This is crazy.
03 Mar 2023, 19:41
Very very bad idea
yes, this is a really very very bad idea
04 Mar 2023, 19:22
This is too bad what is ctrader thinking encouraging traders to trade frequently? This will only make it worse hope that ctrader reverts to its previous standards and gives users more opportunities to choose different types of traders
06 Mar 2023, 01:54
My strategy is +150% that meets all requirements but isn't displayed or able to be searched. BoxerGG Hedge Fund
I've emailed cTrader but still can't get a solution to this problem. Could someone let me know what I'm doing wrong??
I'm also seeing strategies that don't meet requirements at the top of the list.
10 Mar 2023, 04:58
I am fine with all other criterial. But the requirement for at least one open position is so unfair against those strategy providers that only trade in very short durations. It is not a great idea at all.
10 Mar 2023, 14:35
( Updated at: 10 Mar 2023, 14:40 )
More than a personal preference, this has to do with what is best for the trading community as a whole.
For instance, from my point of view, the requirement to have, at least, one executed deal in the last 24h can be far worse than the one you mention.
You will certainly pay for it, however, you can always hedging positions and have them open while keeping your trading style.
What about executing a deal every 24h? Should I change my trading stile to satisfy Spotware's whims? I don't think so.
Nevertheless, both these requirements can be highly restrictive/harmful and are certainly pathetic.
Maybe, after all, paying more to the brokers, among other, is one of Spotware's intentions here. At least until proven otherwise.
That fact is that, so far, there was no feedback (at all) from Spotware regarding this matter and the reason is evident: they are not in a position to argue about this in a way that is compliant with their own motto nor they are able to convince traders about any good intentions behind such rules, as these are clearly harmful from any trader point of view.
The right thing to do here (in case there is still some good sense left) was, obviously, to revise these criteria in a way that it can be clearly explained/justified for the sake of transparency and credibility. Instead, it looks like Spotware is just expecting this topic to be forgotten in time by not being able to handle it.
Let's see how this will end and what the implications will be.
13 Mar 2023, 04:47
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Capt.Z-Fort.Builder said:
cTrader Copy official platform has applied a new criterion to hide strategies which have had no open positions since last Saturday(26 Feb 2023).
The search result also doesn't return the strategy name if there is no position!
I don't think it's a fair criterion, for those SPs who only trade intraday or have open positions in a short time (e.g. close average in or less than an hour) Even if they have trade almost every day.
I suggest restoring previous criteria to list all strategies without discrimination and letting users or investors can manually set on/off for the criterion
Hi there,
I think you all got it wrong, the reason for the delay to answer is they having an issue with strategy visibility section. Am sure they fixing it.
why am saying this? We meet all conditions in our strategies and we still not visible. in fact they replied to us in ctrader copy section asking to provide some data to assess the problem. Am sure those requirements are meant to be as first timers and strategies that didnt trade for long.
Its not logical and functional to show and hide strategies within 24h, imagine show this strategy one day then next hide then show again, technically speaking it is more difficult to operate this way for spotware and brokers. in terms of software load, financially etc.. it just dont work.
Am sure they will be a clear statement to explain what those requirements are for new traders and current providers. just stay positive.
20 Mar 2023, 21:29
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Strategy providers now circumvent that nonsense filter by keeping a hedged position open just to stay visible on the list of strategies. Great job, Spotware!
22 Mar 2023, 13:49
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
Due to these new rules of listing strategies, there are investors saying they have trouble effectively selecting strategies as their candidate investment. As they can't see those good quality traders as they only trade limited times in a week or month. The new rules are doing actually harm to copy investors. I hope cTrader and Spotware officially respond to our concerns and worries, as soon as you can.
22 Mar 2023, 14:36
Hello, Spotware Staff.
A little bit of perspective from someone who is a Strategy Provider. The one who lose the most is Spotware!! Many and many strategies with good ROI are hidden. Think about it Spotware: you could make more from comissions if a everlasting strategy thrives in the mid/long term and its displayed in the list. Imagine how many new investors a good displayed strategy can allure and how much comissions it can generate for you in the long run. The fact its displayed it will be easier to everyone to see it and follow!
And why change the way we trade just to satisfy your whims? Should we really change our strategy, jeopardizing months and years of disciplined behaviour just to be displayed on Ctrader? What you guys from Spotware earn from it?
Spotware, you are the one who loses the most with this nonsense parameters. And please, at least take a position answering this topic, otherwise many other trades will migrate to other platforms!!
Yours sincerely.
18 Apr 2023, 00:07
Remove filters
Dear spotware,
analog to all others I am absolutely against those filters and I hope you will revoke them asap as those filters not only damage our business, long term it will mainly damage ur business.
We are still waiting for a Statement from your side concerning that topic.
28 Feb 2023, 15:01
does that means all scalpers will be gone???
that's sad.