I have a question about if I follow in any strategy,the system always copy the NOKJPY item ????

Created at 07 Feb 2025, 09:07
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Joined 07.02.2025

I have a question about if I follow in any strategy,the system always copy the NOKJPY item ????
07 Feb 2025, 09:07

IT's is very strange that the strategy trader didn't trade NOKJPY ,he always trade XAU/USDT.

but when I follow any strategy ,it always copy the trade NOKJPY buy and sell 1 lot.and no one can cancel it.

could support solve this problem?

i could proof the strategy i follow don;t trade this item

how can i cancel the horrible trade in nokJPY for 1 lot buy and sell? it's a stupid action order!!! PLZ help me.

and send me email :samzifuwang227@gmail.com


21 Feb 2025, 17:27 ( Updated at: 28 Feb 2025, 08:17 )

I have almost the same problem. When I copy https://ct.spotware.com/copy/strategy/84247 , Ctrader copy autamatically opens a Buy and a Sell on Japan 225 that the service provider does not opened.
