Bid and Ask Candles.
Bid and Ask Candles.
08 Nov 2024, 03:07
Hi All!,
I've been trading since the early 80s and with Trading Station and Marketscope since it's release. After writing significant code and heavily modifying the platform I found my self locked to the broker that owns Trading Station. For so very long it nagged me but I never experienced any problems. I've recently lost confidence and am wanting to choose a more suitable broker. My problem is that my charting and trading method relies HEAVILY on the way Marketscope uses separate Bid and Ask candle streams and so being able to paint multiple candle streams on a chart. My entry chart consists of both Bid and Ask candles at m1 with their respective volumes in the stream. After more than 15 years staring only at this type of chart I'm blind without it. I'm ready to make the change but I code in Lua not C# or MQL etc, so there is going to be a learning curve. So far from what I can read in documentation cTrader and MotiveWave are the most likely candidates. Before I spend weeks reading documentation and writing code and getting frustrated I am wondering if someone would tell me if I am going to be able to achieve this in cTrader or am I going to hit a road block??

09 Nov 2024, 10:43
( Updated at: 12 Nov 2024, 14:07 )
RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
09 Nov 2024, 10:44
( Updated at: 18 Nov 2024, 22:02 )
RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
09 Nov 2024, 10:44
( Updated at: 09 Nov 2024, 12:13 )
RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Open API offers all the necessary information i.e. to achieve this. I don't see any limitations on the technology side.
Best regards,
Thanks PanagiotisCharalampous,
I've just spent the day trying to figure out how but I'm not any closer. Would you have any reference documentation you could point me to??
09 Nov 2024, 10:44
( Updated at: 09 Nov 2024, 12:13 )
RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Open API offers all the necessary information i.e. to achieve this. I don't see any limitations on the technology side.
Best regards,
Thanks PanagiotisCharalampous,
I've just spent the day trying to figure out how but I'm not any closer. Would you have any reference documentation you could point me to??
09 Nov 2024, 10:44
( Updated at: 09 Nov 2024, 12:13 )
RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Open API offers all the necessary information i.e. to achieve this. I don't see any limitations on the technology side.
Best regards,
Thanks PanagiotisCharalampous,
I've just spent the day trying to figure out how but I'm not any closer. Would you have any reference documentation you could point me to??
09 Nov 2024, 10:45
( Updated at: 09 Nov 2024, 12:13 )
RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Open API offers all the necessary information i.e. to achieve this. I don't see any limitations on the technology side.
Best regards,
I've just spent the day trying to figure out how but I'm not any closer. Would you have any reference documentation you could point me to??
09 Nov 2024, 12:59
RE: RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
Systex said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Open API offers all the necessary information i.e. to achieve this. I don't see any limitations on the technology side.
Best regards,
I've just spent the day trying to figure out how but I'm not any closer. Would you have any reference documentation you could point me to??
You can find the documentation for Open API in the link below
Best regards,
10 Nov 2024, 08:34
Hi @Systex. I get your frustration.
Not 100% sure what you want to accomplish but perhaps it’s something you can do within ctrader as an algo or indicator rather than using Open Api.
I’ve been developing for CTrader for at least 10 years so please feel free to PM me and I can perhaps advise you on if it’s possible and what avenue to take.
11 Nov 2024, 07:20
RE: Bid and Ask Candles.
dreampunchboy said:
Hi @Systex. I get your frustration.
Not 100% sure what you want to accomplish but perhaps it’s something you can do within ctrader as an algo or indicator rather than using Open Api.
I’ve been developing for CTrader for at least 10 years so please feel free to PM me and I can perhaps advise you on if it’s possible and what avenue to take.
Mate I really appreciate any advice. I think I've PMd you but not 100% sure. Had to install Telegram. All good now. I have coded everything that I use in Lua over many years but the structure of the software and also the market feed from FXCM are all so different I have to start from scratch….
08 Nov 2024, 06:36
Hi there,
Open API offers all the necessary information i.e. to achieve this. I don't see any limitations on the technology side.
Best regards,