25 May 2023, 20:09
Thanks for your response.
Now I did select sdk 7 in 'Select Compiler' as on my computer I have dotnet-sdk-7.0.203 installed.
Though I still have error but now error is:
The type or namepsace name 'ML' doesn't exist in namespace 'Microsoft'
22 May 2023, 21:05
PanagiotisChar said:
Hi there,
Did you install the package from NuGet?
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I did install it into cbot folder where the project file is (.csproj) and it was installed successfully. command used to install:
dotnet add package Microsoft.ML
However, on cBot build, I get the following error:
Eror CT0201: Pachake "Microsoft.ML" is not supported.
27 May 2023, 14:44 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )
I tried a simple hello cBot, just using ML library. So this one, I am able to build in Visual Studio but not in cTrader, it says build failed. So maybe that's what I need to do, build in Visual Studio and then run in cTrader