
31 Aug 2023, 16:01 ( Updated at: 01 Sep 2023, 04:18 )


PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi there,

Hello, this would be a version of the NCATRSD indicator that is currently used in the Ninjatrader platform. Adapted to the ctrader platform If you know of one that is already on the ctrader platform and that complies with the ncatrsd characteristics, you would be so kind as to share it. In any case, we continue with my code to see what comes out lolz.


31 Aug 2023, 15:45 ( Updated at: 01 Sep 2023, 04:18 )


PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi there,

Your code does not look like an indicator code. Can you share the complete code of your indicator?

using System;

namespace cAlgo.API
    public enum TimeZones

    public class Color
        // Define propiedades y métodos de la clase Color aquí

    public class HorizontalLine
        // Define propiedades y métodos de la clase HorizontalLine aquí
        public double Price { get; internal set; }
        public bool IsDeleted { get; internal set; }
        public object LineColor { get; internal set; }

namespace cAlgo
    using cAlgo.API;  // Importar el espacio de nombres cAlgo.API
    using HorizontalLineAPI = cAlgo.API.HorizontalLine;  // Alias para evitar conflicto de nombres

    public class IndicatorAttribute : Attribute
        public bool IsOverlay { get; set; }
        public TimeZones TimeZone { get; set; }

    public abstract class Indicator
        // Define las propiedades y métodos de tu clase Indicator aquí
        public abstract void Calculate(int index);

    public class MarketSeries
        public double[] High { get; set; }
        public double[] Low { get; set; }
        public double[] Close { get; set; }

    public class InstitutionalLevels : Indicator
        private double sensitivity = 0.1;
        private double testTolerance = 5.0;
        private readonly Color testedColor = new Color();

        private readonly double[] fiboRetracements1 = new double[0]; // Inicializa el arreglo con el tamaño adecuado
        public HorizontalLineAPI ResistanceLine1 { get; private set; } // Usar el alias aquí
        public HorizontalLineAPI SupportLine { get; private set; } // Usar el alias aquí

        public MarketSeries MarketSeries { get; set; }

        public InstitutionalLevels(HorizontalLineAPI supportLine)
            SupportLine = supportLine;
            ResistanceLine1 = new HorizontalLineAPI();

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (MarketSeries == null || MarketSeries.Close == null || index >= MarketSeries.Close.Length - 1)

            double high = MarketSeries.High[index];
            double low = MarketSeries.Low[index];
            double close = MarketSeries.Close[index];

            double range = high - low;
            double upperLevel = close + range * sensitivity;
            double lowerLevel = close - range * sensitivity;

            double nearestResistance = FindNearestLevel(fiboRetracements1, upperLevel);
            double nearestSupport = FindNearestLevel(fiboRetracements1, lowerLevel);

            ResistanceLine1.Price = nearestResistance;
            SupportLine.Price = nearestSupport;

            CheckAndChangeColor(ResistanceLine1, high);
            CheckAndChangeColor(SupportLine, low);

        private double FindNearestLevel(double[] levels, double target)
            if (levels == null || levels.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Levels array cannot be null or empty.");

            double nearestLevel = levels[0];
            double smallestDifference = Math.Abs(levels[0] - target);

            foreach (double level in levels)
                double difference = Math.Abs(level - target);
                if (difference < smallestDifference)
                    nearestLevel = level;
                    smallestDifference = difference;

            return nearestLevel;

        private void CheckAndChangeColor(HorizontalLineAPI line, double price)
            bool isTested = Math.Abs(price - line.Price) <= testTolerance;

            if (price > line.Price && !isTested)
                line.IsDeleted = true;

            line.LineColor = isTested ? testedColor : line.LineColor;

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Crear una instancia de InstitutionalLevels
            HorizontalLineAPI supportLine = new HorizontalLineAPI();
            InstitutionalLevels institutionalLevels = new InstitutionalLevels(supportLine);

            // Crear una instancia de MarketSeries y asignar valores de ejemplo
            MarketSeries marketSeries = new MarketSeries
                High = new double[] { 10.0, 15.0, 12.0, 18.0 },
                Low = new double[] { 5.0, 8.0, 7.0, 10.0 },
                Close = new double[] { 8.0, 12.0, 9.0, 15.0 }

            // Asignar el MarketSeries a InstitutionalLevels
            institutionalLevels.MarketSeries = marketSeries;

            // Calcular los niveles institucionales para cada índice
            for (int i = 0; i < marketSeries.Close.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Resistance Level: " + institutionalLevels.ResistanceLine1.Price);
                Console.WriteLine("Support Level: " + institutionalLevels.SupportLine.Price);

            // Modificar el valor de la línea de soporte y recalcular los niveles institucionales
            supportLine.Price = 7.5;
            institutionalLevels.Calculate(marketSeries.Close.Length - 1);
            Console.WriteLine("Resistance Level (after modification): " + institutionalLevels.ResistanceLine1.Price);
            Console.WriteLine("Support Level (after modification): " + institutionalLevels.SupportLine.Price);

            // Agregar más lógica de prueba o manipulación de datos según sea necesario

hello thank you for your help

