22 Apr 2016, 04:40

09 May 2016, 09:58

Hello Malinga,

You can enlist your bot into our marketplace at

By doing that you gain

-Exposure from traders who interested to buy

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Its simple, easy and profitable!

Start earning money now from your own trading systems!

Its free to add your system!

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Thanks for your time!


01 May 2016, 03:42

Is any body interested?

You all welcome to start by making an account at


06 Nov 2014, 18:15

thank you all for your replies!

well I m sure something wrong!

I was traded from different servers and result was same!

I think there is a possibility to manipulate the orders on the liquidity providers side!

Another critical question!

why most cTrader Brokers not allowing arbitrage if they just forward your orders to

the liquidity providers?

I spook with most of their supports and they just cant explain it!


06 Nov 2014, 03:19

Admin please answer! is that what you see normal!

you host the server right? could you tell me how things like that happen!

also I have a theory that if you make two cTraders logged into the same account at same time!

and one with slow feed back notification display! you make orders sent from the other one lag

without interfering with any code!


05 Nov 2014, 17:55 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Here the story at first!

I was using a wining system that worked like a charm!

Its scalping system! but after a while I lost all the account!

The System start retarding trades, execute them with lag

And with big slippage that always against me!

If I lower the slippage value the trades got filtered and only losing ones pass!

I have a friend with same system, vps, broker and same everything!

His trades got executed and win and mine got lagged and lose!

I m not new to forex and I m sure my trades got manipulated!

bellow is case when a trade got 2 seconds to got executed (check time)!

and check my ping to the trading server (2ms, 6ms)!


03 Nov 2014, 18:59

I confirm! there is a way brokers manipulating the cServer platform! you really need to work more on securing your code! this not good for your reputation!

if this continue it will end up like the mt4 junk!


14 Jun 2014, 18:56

ok found it!

public void DrawText(string objectName, string text, int index, double yValue, [optional] VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, [optional] HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, [optional] Colors? color)

but you can't specify font or size! I hope you include that in next releases!

