
05 Nov 2019, 17:22

Ah, Ok. Thankyou for explaining Panagiotis Charalampous.

So it is advisable to make my initial deposit {into a strategy} slightly less than the current equity of the strategy I would like to copy? (providing I do not want to double each position of the strategy I am copying)

And only increase it above 100% of the traders equity if I have at least double their equity available to invest in their strategy - to ensure I have enough margin to copy their trading strategy exactly - without being margin called; prior to them.?



Additionally - It seems impossible to join a trading strategy that has open postions due to different entry points and thus a fluxuation in the corellation of equities of my account and the strategy I begin following.

Is the any way to mitigate this issue? I can't really see a way of caluculating this in order to avoid going 0.1% e.g over the equity of the strategy and suddenly placing 100% the volume intended if the trader decides to place an additional trade whilst I'm in positive equity over them ------ causing a 'snowball' effect where I contiously place 2x the volume they do.


05 Nov 2019, 14:59

100% / double the volume - larger? with 1.2% more equity? (I uploaded new screenshots with time stamp)

Clearly 1.2% more will not allow me to copy 100% more volume than the account I am copying.

What happens in the hypothetical instance; I had 1.2% less equity? Do I still place any trades?


If you rounded it to even the nearest 5% I would have the same equity as the account copied... so It would make sense that I put on the volume on trades.. not double.


Can you clarify, at what point I place double the trades and what percentage of the account I'm copyings' equity I need to have in order to even begin copying please.


05 Nov 2019, 14:37

Strategy name: Herotrade Master

My broker and account numer: ICmarkets   ------   1075031

The position ID's  (it was every single position already open when I clicked; copy and every trade opened afterwards.


 Plus there were 3 more... totalling 17 positions by the time I 'stopped copying'  Due to fears of getting an unfair margin call as there was clearly something very wrong. This gave me -30% of my account balance which is very unfair and concerning.

Here are two uncropped screenshots:

Mine: (With ~1.2% more equity than account copied):



1.2% more equity should not be rounded up 98.2% to place double the volume on trades.

So what happened?



05 Nov 2019, 14:22


I started with less than equity than the account I was copying. (EDIT: For anyone reading - I started with a lower account balance, but! higher equity which led to my broker rounding upwards to the nearest figure... which was double...  ---- something to be aware of and cautious about if joining a strategy with current open positions) Yet my account was placing twice the volume.

I later deposited enough to make our accounts roughly the same as I was going to be margin called due to the error.

This seems to me; an error with your software, not my equity versus the account copied.

I have screenshots proving this.

Please advise.


The account I was copying:

