
28 Aug 2019, 10:14

This method is count bars in weekend ?
var time2 = MarketData.GetSeries(time2); 

Print("HIGH " + time2 .High.Last(200)); 



You mean this method

 int index2 = time2 .OpenTime.GetIndexByTime(Server.Time.AddHours(-200));
Print("LAST " + time2 .High[index2]);

is weekend not considered right ?

And Do you have any way to load more data before backtesting time ?
Because in forward test it is work normally.

Thanks for fast reply


11 Aug 2019, 09:57

Wha is  StopTriggerMethod and StopLossTriggerMethod in  ExecuteMarketOrder().
I cant find any data about it. How to set that value. Do I need to choose method ?
My purpose is setting server side trailling stop. Now I am stuck with this.




08 Aug 2019, 15:16

Thank you for very fast answer !!!
lets recap
1.I need to  ExecuteMarketOrder  first.(set bool  hasTraillingstop to true)
2. Going to modify Trailling stop loss (something like  10 pip) ?

Am I correct ?
last question 

In  ExecuteMarketOrder
StopTriggerMethod? stopLossTriggerMethod
How it different ?

